Chapter Five

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Sodapop Curtis

The girl before us was shorter than most, about 5"4 and had beautiful, curly brown hair with streaks of lighter brown that reminded me of honey. Her face was badly bruised and swollen. "What happened to you?" I asked curiously. She was pretty, I could tell. I could also tell that those bruises were from a fist. I've been in enough rumbles to know that. But how could someone hurt something so beautiful?

She lowered her head in an attempt to hide her face. "Nothing." she muttered. Then a little girl peaked out from behind her. "See! I told you there were boys in the backyard!" she said. She had long reddish-brown hair and big, brown eyes.

"You know it!" Two-Bit said, winking at the little girl. She giggled. "What are you guys doing here? You know I have a taser, right?" the older girl said. Darry looked at her as if she'd fallen off her rocker. "What's a taser?" he asked. The girl looked taken aback, her mouth open in shock. She put her hands on her hips. "You don't know what a taser is? What year are you from- 1961?" Now it was our turn to look at her crazy. "Girl, you're crazy. It's 1965." Dally said. "No..." the little girl said. "It's 2015." Whoa. These girls were really out of their minds. The older one was pretty though. "You really are off your rocker, huh?" Steve said. Johnny and Ponyboy stood behind Dally, just watching. "Guys, what if she's right?" I say. "We were in a rumble a few minutes ago and then we sort of teleported here. Maybe we time traveled."

Everyone looked at me, considering what I said. "Can you prove it? That we really are in the year 2015?" Darry asked.

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