Chapter 36-40

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In this era, technology is not well developed, and people have far less ways of entertainment than later generations. Watching movies is one of the few entertainment activities for people. But this entertainment is also a luxury, and not everyone is willing to buy a movie ticket for 15 cents.

Even if Lin Wei's family income is not low, no one will go to the movies every now and then. In fact, this was the first movie that everyone else watched this year except for Lin Wei.

But it was Lin Wei, the last movie was released by the unit, and it didn't cost money. Therefore, the six people were very excited when they entered the screening hall, and there were not a few people who entered the screening hall as excited as them, and the screening hall was buzzing.

But when the movie started, the discussion stopped, and everyone focused on the big screen. As the film unfolded, low sobs sounded in the auditorium, and what was shown on the screen was an anti-Japanese war film. Although the ending was good, the process was very tragic.

Lin Wei and the others were no exception, their eyes were red. Although their lives are secure now, most of them are no strangers to war.

Liu Dan is the oldest, thirty-one years old, and the war had not yet ended completely when he was sensible. Yang Yi, Deng Xiangyun, and Zhao Li were about the same age, and they all experienced the war to aid Korea, especially Zhao Li, whose hometown was close to the battlefield, and the people around her were in fear every day. On the day of the victory of the war, many people around her cried with excitement.

Lin Wei was the youngest, so she had never experienced a war. She didn't know anything about the aid to North Korea. Later, the war in the south was far away, and her country was in an advantage, so everyone didn't panic so much.

But Lin Wei married a soldier. Although the scale of the naval battle at the beginning of the year was not large and the duration was short, she was also very worried for a few days.

Only after going through the war can we know the preciousness of peace, and when we look back at that period of history, we will be even more moved, and weep because of it. As a result, everyone's eyes were swollen when they went back.

So much so that when they returned to the family area, everyone they met on the road thought they were being bullied. If it wasn't for Zhao Li's quick explanation, they almost didn't copy the guy to seek justice for them.

After explaining clearly, although everyone understands why they cry like this, and thinks that their eyes will not be much better if they are replaced by themselves, this does not prevent everyone from laughing at them friendly and spreading the matter.

So that night, the whole family knew that the six of them watched a movie and cried their eyes into walnuts. Because they were asked too many questions along the way, Liu Dan and the others did not rush back after entering the family area. Instead, they went to Deng Xiangyun's house by counting the money and dividing the wire. The family members were worried.

Because everyone went to Deng Xiangyun's house, there was no need to count extra money, and Lin Wei, who needed wire, also went to her house. Well, she was also afraid that her family would be worried if they saw it.

Regarding the behavior of harming friends, Deng Xiangyun said: "..." Don't my family members worry? Facts have proved that her family members are really not worried, because they are, no, at home!

Because the door was open, when she entered the house and saw no one, Deng Xiangyun thought they were in the backyard, or upstairs. As a result, she searched the front yard and backyard, upstairs and downstairs, but did not see anyone. It's not good.

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