Chapter 111-115

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In the end, it was Lin Wei who compromised and gave the brothers thicker soapy water that could blow out more bubbles to lull Mingming. It's just that she was coaxed a little bit, when Lin's mother scalded the fluff off the ground chicken with hot water, she leaned over and blew a lot of bubbles, the bubbles drifted with the wind, and many of them fell into the hot water.

Although there is not much soapy water in the bubbles, and the free-range chicken has to be washed several times after being plucked, but it is food to be eaten after all, so what if it is stained with soapy water!

Mother Lin took the chicken out and said with a sullen face: "Go, go, you guys want to blow bubbles, go outside, don't get in my way, blow so many bubbles, what's the matter with the soapy water getting on the food?" After the two children were finished, they began to talk about Lin Wei and Zong Shao again: "You two too, it's not good to make toys for them, but you have to mix soapy water to blow bubbles, and I have to pour out this basin of water! Hurry up and throw them away. Take them away!"

Seeing her mother go crazy, Lin Wei hurriedly took the two children to the backyard to play. Just arrived in the backyard, just met the little stone coming out of the house, saw them blowing bubbles, the little guy ran out of the house and joined the children. Seeing them playing, Lin Wei went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Lin Wei went into the kitchen to fill a bowl of noodles. Because she got up late, the noodles simmered in the pot for a long time, to the point of melting in the mouth, and a bowl of noodles was finished quickly. Just as she put down the bowl after eating, there was crying from upstairs, so Lin Wei hurried upstairs to see her daughter.

After entering the room and sitting by the bed, Lin Wei habitually reached out to touch the diaper first, feeling a little wet, so she picked her up and took off the diaper. As soon as he took off the diaper, Zong Shao came in and asked, "Did you pull it?"

"Did you pee," Lin Wei said. Zong Shao took the diaper from her hand and said, "I'm going to get a basin of water."

Lin Wei responded, and after he went out, she got up with her daughter in her arms, closed the door and went to the bed, unbuttoned her shirt, and pulled it open. Underwear inside to breastfeed the child. The little guy was crying with his mouth open one second, but stopped crying when he tasted the breast milk the next second, and drank it in big gulps.

Zong Shao came up with warm water to see, put the basin on the single bed, took out a handkerchief and clean diapers from the drawer, sat by the bed and waited. After about ten minutes, Lin Wei covered her clothes, turned her head and reached out to him for a handkerchief. He handed over the handkerchief, watched her wipe her mouth clean and said, "Give me the baby."

Lin Wei said oh, turned sideways and handed the baby to him. Zong Shao hugged his daughter and sat next to the single bed to wipe it. The child's urine smell is not strong. After a while, I wiped my daughter clean, went back to the bed and picked up a diaper for her to put on.

When he was doing this, Lin Wei was already fully dressed, she turned around and sat cross-legged on the bed, watched his movements and smiled, "That's right, I'm getting more and more proficient." If you want to change someone else, you should be humble at this time, but Zong Shao is very Without boasting, she said, "I will become more proficient in the future."

"I'm very confident." Lin Wei smiled and sat over, tilting her head and looking at her daughter who was biting her finger. In the beginning, she was the only one looking at the little guy, but gradually the little guy saw her in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand and waved it, giggling.

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