Chapter 81-85

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Lin's father and Lin's mother's boat arrived around eight o'clock, so before seven thirty, Lin Wei was woken up by Zong Shao.

She slept in the early morning last night, and was still sleepy when she was woken up. She half-closed her eyes and looked at Zong Shao for a while, then turned over and prepared to continue sleeping. But within a few seconds of sleep, Zong Shao said: "If you don't get up again, you won't be able to pick up your parents in time."

Because of lack of sleep, Lin Wei's head turned a little slowly. After thinking for half a minute, she remembered that her parents were coming , had to rely on perseverance to get up.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Zong Shao said when he came out of the bathroom: "There are soy milk and fried dough sticks on the table." As the Chinese New Year approaches, the breakfasts in state-run restaurants have a lot of variety. Usually, there are steamed buns, steamed buns, noodles, and rice noodles. Recently, the supply has increased. Soy milk fritters, and occasionally tofu nao.

Lin Wei picked up the deep-fried sticks and broke them in half, bit her mouth and asked, "What time is it?" "Seven thirty-five, should we leave around forty?"

Lin Wei nodded, chewing the deep-fried sticks quickly, before forty She finished eating the fritters, but she was in a hurry to eat. She couldn't finish the soy milk, so she put it down and said she would drink it when she came back. Zong Shao responded, went to the back to call the two children back, and then locked the door and set off.

The army prohibits the private use of public vehicles, but because of the inconvenient transportation on the island, the army does not completely prohibit the private use of vehicles by officers. You only need to apply in advance and pay for the gas yourself. In addition, if the vehicle breaks down during use, you have to pay for repairs yourself.

The gas fee is okay, the price is not expensive, and it is completely affordable to go around. But the repair cost is hard to say. If you are lucky, you don't need to replace the parts, and people in the army can repair them. If you are unlucky, the spare parts are broken.

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, very few people will apply for private use, but today it is the father-in-law and mother-in-law who will be picked up. Zong Shao called in advance to apply, and drove the jeep back last night. The distance from the family area to the port is actually not that close. It would take about 20 minutes to walk, but it would be faster by car. Before 7:50, a family of four appeared on the military port pier.

Today is Sunday, and the soldiers don't train, but the pier is not cold at all. As the Chinese New Year is approaching, there are many people who come to visit relatives and want to go back to their hometowns. Lin Wei's family is not the only one who comes to pick them up.

They all live in the family area, no matter if the relationship is good or not, they always know each other, and they can't help but exchange a few words when they meet, and ask a few casually which relatives are visiting relatives.

In fact, this question is pure nonsense. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I will go out at this time, and there is no one else except my parents. But parents are also different. For example, most of the other people who come to pick up are the man's parents, but Lin Wei and the others are going to pick up her parents. Because of this difference, everyone looked at them with more curiosity.

Lin Wei knew what they were curious about. The mainstream thinking these days is still to celebrate the New Year in their hometown, especially to celebrate the New Year with their sons. No matter how old-fashioned the thinking is, a girl in her 30s cannot go back to her mother's house. It cannot be said that Shicheng does not have this tradition at all. For example, the brigade where Lin Wei's family is located has driven daughters out at the age of thirty. But her parents are not like this.

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