Timeless Love

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captain Carter x Sersi
Peggy Carter, the woman out of time, finds herself visiting a certain Natural History Museum in London (mostly just to see what they added since the last time she was there). Though she finds herself frequenting the place just so that she can talk to a certain museum scientist. (Was a request)


Peggy's POV
I walked into the museum I find myself going back to, at first I came to see how much it had changed since I was last here but now I go back to talk to a museum scientist. Her name is Sersi, I found her interesting and I loved when we talked. I guess I was developing a small crush, not that I would admit that to anyone. I looked around and see her talking to a group of people, I headed towards her once they walked away. She saw me and smiled, I smiled at her.

"Peggy, it's nice to see you again." I looked around the museum before putting my focus on her, "It's nice to see you too, as always." She blushed and we started talking about the museum, like normal. This talk seemed different since it seemed like she wanted to talk about something else. "Is everything ok, Sersi?" She looked at me, almost shocked I was asking her. "Well no, come to the back with me? I would like to speak more privately if that is all right with you." I nodded and we headed to the back, it was quieter than the rest of the museum.

"So, what's up?" She ran a hand through her hair, sighing softly. "I just, things have been so different around here lately. Especially since you've started coming here, I just don't know how to explain it. Have you felt different lately?" I shook my head, feeling normal I guess. "No, everything has felt the same." She nodded, I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. "Everything will be ok, just wait it out awhile. Take some time off, maybe that will help?" She thought about it for a moment, before nodding.
We left the back and I headed out, I guess I wouldn't be coming back for a little since I wouldn't know how long she would be gone. I knew I couldn't stay away for long but I would do my best, she meant a lot to me and I didn't know how to explain it. The minute I saw her, it was like the world stopped.

I've only felt like that once, but he was long gone. I looked for him, everywhere over the years. But I couldn't find him, so I moved on and now she has my heart. I think I love her even more than I did him, but enough of Steve. I want Sersi, but does she want me? That was a question I asked myself every time I saw her, I didn't know if she did or if it was just my imagination.
Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I last saw Sersi, I couldn't wait to see her again. I hoped she was here today, I have checked in while she was gone but she wasn't in for the. I knew she loved her job at the museum, so I hoped she was here. I walked in and saw her, she looked over and smiled at me. I walked over to her and she pulled me into a hug, "Hey! How are you?" She pulled away but kept her hands on my shoulder, I smiled. "I'm good, it's been a minute since I've seen you. How was your break?" She walked me to her office and we sat down, we didn't come in here often since we never knew if anyone would walk in while we talked.

"It was amazing, thank you for the advice, though I have missed seeing your face every other day." I blushed and rolled my eyes, sometimes she could seem like she was flirting but also like I was her bestie. "Hey, Peggy, why do you come here so often?" I sighed, ever since I came here every week I waited for this question. "You have to trust me, I won't ever lie to you." She nodded, waiting patiently for me to tell her.

"A long time ago, and I mean a long time. I was in the military and I went through experiments, you may know about Captain America, he went through the same thing as me and was open about it. I knew him, he was the first to try it and I was next. I haven't aged and I'm here now, maybe it's crazy. But watching everything change around you is a lot. So seeing this museum from things when I was around and more, brings me peace. But seeing you, that's all I want now, to see you." She took everything in, nodding with me. "That's a lot, but I get it. But you want to see me, why?" I blushed, I decided if I'm gonna tell her it should be now. "Because I fell for you, I don't expect you to feel the same but I did." She had a bright blush on her cheeks, and she leaned over and held my hand. "I feel the same, take me out sometimes?" I laughed and nodded, she got up and we headed outside again. She continued working and I headed home, a wide smile on my face.
The date
Today was the day, I was so nervous and excited. I was taking Sersi out on a date, I never thought this would happen. I was heading to where she told me her address was, once I pulled up I got out of my car and headed to the door. I knocked and she opened the door, she looked beautiful, she was in something casual. I handed her a bouquet of limelight hydrangeas. She smiled and went inside, coming back quickly.

I took her to my car and opened the door for her, she got in and I went to my side and got in. I went over to where I was taking her, I was taking her to get some food and then a walk in the forest behind my house that I owned. I let her know beforehand so she wouldn't be spooked, we got to the restaurant, it wasn't fancy but it was nice.

We went in and sat at a table, we ordered our food and drinks when the waiter came over. We talked about ourselves and things we didn't know about each other. Once our food came we started eating, "This food is amazing, thank you for taking me here." I smiled at her, finishing my bite. "It's no problem, thank you for letting me take you out." She laughed and we continued eating, talking about nothing and everything.

Once we were done eating I paid for it, taking her back to the car. I drove her to my home and we headed inside, I grabbed a basket that deserts I made and blankets. The pillows were in the forest along with a tent so we can sit in there if it was too cold. We then headed out and started our walk, the little campsite wasn't far from my house and you can still see it if there were lights.

She looked at the camp, there were fairy lights and a campfire that I still had to light. She sat down at one of the chairs I had, I put everything down and started the fire. It was a little chilly and it would get worse if we didn't have a fire, once it was lit I sat by her and handed her a blanket. She thanked me and put it over her lap, I smiled and noticed she kept looking at the tent.

"Oh, that's mainly for if it's too cold we can sit in there, and talk. Since I've used that tent before, and it keeps in the heat from the fire so it's great for cold nights. You don't have to spend the night if you don't want, I have no problem taking you home." She leaned over and held my hand, I looked at her. "Don't worry, I trust you and I wanna spend the night. Don't panic, it's ok." I nodded and smiled, she smiled and we started eating the deserts I made for her and me.

Once it started to get colder we headed inside the tent, I made sure to add more fuel to the fire. I luckily had the air mattress ready, it was big so we could have our own space if it made her more comfortable. We laid on the bed with the blankets on us, it wasn't that cold but we wanted to layer up just in case. "Thank you for tonight, it's been amazing." I lay on my back, looking up at the top of the tent. "You don't have to thank me for tonight, I treated you how you deserve to be treated. Don't thank me for that." She laid her head on my chest and yawned, I played with her hair and she slowly fell asleep.

I noticed the fire was going out so I just let myself also fall asleep without concern. I did laugh quietly since the fuel did absolutely nothing for it, I held her close and made sure we were both covered with the blankets. I slowly fell asleep to the sound of her breathing, I was finally content.

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