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Quinn Fabray/Original Female Character- Quinn cheated on Juliet with Puck, Juliet's best friend since middle school. Juliet is the twin sister of Finn, who was absolutely in love with Quinn and couldn't wait for a life after high school with her. Song Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater- Never Shout Never

 Juliet's POV

I watched them from across the hall, she was arguing with him holding her growing stomach. He rolled her eyes at something she had said, before walking away. She turned around and looked towards me, I looked away and headed to Glee Club. I found it amusing now, she got knocked up with my best friend's baby and he wanted nothing to do with it, with her. She ruined us for a quick fuck, now she's stuck with him for life. Only Quinn walked in, I assumed Puck would show up eventually, it wasn't like we really needed him here. She sat in the corner away from everyone, I was sitting by Santana. Mr. Shue came over with that stupid smile on his face, clasping his hands together as he leaned against the piano. "Ok, we have the auditorium for the day, who wants to sing first? No topic, we will discuss it after, we can do about five people for today and then everyone else will have a chance tomorrow." I put my hand up first, beating Rachel.

Mr. Shue smiled at me, "Juliet will go first, let's head there." We all got up and walked to the auditorium, helping the band get their instruments there. Once we arrived, everyone had sat down beside me, I told the band what I would be singing as Puck walked in, sitting a couple of rows behind everyone. I cleared my throat quietly and looked at them, they were staring at me intensely.

"Yeah you sure broke my heart last week
When you said you had slept with him.
I know you called, I got them all. La da da da da da

Girl you better love what you got, before you go and give it away
But don't say that I don't know you
Cause Oh, I know all about your type

You're the type of girl that texts all day and talks all night.
And Oh, I know, that you are feeling sad.
I don't feel bad, cause even after 3 text messages, 4 missed calls
You still slept with my best friend."

My eyes connected with Quinn, I saw the sadness in her eyes, but I couldn't find it in my heart to care. She hurt me, so it's only fair I get to hurt her.

"Yeah, you sure got a lot of nerve, to say that this was all
My fault.
I know you called, I got them all. La da da da da daGirl you better love what you got, before you go and give it away
But don't say that I don't know you

Cause Oh, I know all about your type
You're the type of girl that texts all day and talks all night.
And Oh, I know that you are feeling sad.
I don't feel bad, cause even after 3 text messages, 4 missed calls
You still slept with my best friend.

So I sing rain, rain go away, come again another day
When I say it's okay to give a little hell to pay.
And every single time you make your way into my sheets
The hours move to minutes, the days turn into weeks."

I hate to admit it, but after I found out, I didn't believe so I kept sleeping with her and loving on her. That was until she finally admitted it, I started getting suspicious when after the rumors she was getting farther away from me and wouldn't stay over long. I regret not listening to everyone, I was stupid.

"And I know you're so cool, but I must be a fool
For taking you in and letting you win control of my heart.
And every single time you make your way into my sheets
The hours move to minutes, the days turn into weeks.

Rain, rain go away, come again another day
When I say it's okay to give a little hell to pay.
And every single time you make your way into my sheets
The hours move to minutes, the days turn into weeks.

And I know you're so cool, but I must be a fool
For taking you in and letting you win control of my heart.
And every single time you make your way into my sheets
The hours move to minutes, the days turn into weeks.

Oh, I know all about your type
You're the type of girl that texts all day and talks all night.
And Oh, I know, that you are feeling sad.
Don't feel bad, cause even after 3 text messages, 4 missed calls
You still slept with my best friend."

I finished up, looking at both of them. Out of the two, only Quinn had seemed the one to regret it, Puck he didn't care, he never did. I got off the stage and just walked out, I couldn't stay in that room with her, with them. The school was empty beside us, maybe a few teachers were still in the school, but I could hear every step I made, every shakey breath. I shouldn't be upset, it meant she was winning and I refused to let her win, she broke me. I felt my head start to spin and I started seeing stars, I went to my locker and opened it, pulled out my anxiety meds, and took one. I put it back and closed the locker, leaning my head against the cool metal. I heard someone walking towards me, I lifted my head and saw Quinn. I crossed my arms and looked at her, "You have some nerve coming towards me, especially after that song." She stayed a few feet away from me, leaving room for me to leave.

"I know, I know, but please listen to me. I can't say I didn't want it, that I didn't go out my way to have sex with Puck, because I did. I was so stupid, and I am so sorry." I shook my head and felt my hands start to shake, "Quinn, you are, you are so stupid. I loved you! You took that for granted, when we got together, everyone told me that it wouldn't last, that you would cheat on me like every guy! But I trusted you, with my heart, my mind, my body, and you broke that into a million pieces! I moved out of my parent's house to be with you, and saved up every penny to get a house, that I am still struggling to pay for, they hated that I was with you and I refused to let them break us up, so I moved out and stopped talking to them, for you. How do you repay me? You cheated on me with my best friend, you broke my heart like you broke my brothers." She looked down, and I clenched my jaw.

"You got knocked up by Puck, out of everyone in this school, by Puck. I hope it was worth it because that baby isn't gonna have a dad and you know it. You'll be alone forever because you wanted to have sex with the school's biggest player, now you have a kid on the way." She put her hand on her stomach, "If it was able to be mine, which we know for obvious reasons it's not, I would have loved you and the baby unconditionally, but hey, you got Puck for that now." She started stammering, and I walked away. I felt her run after me, turning me around. "I love you, Juliet! I do!" I pulled away from her and shook her head, "You love the idea of me, you're the reason I'm graduating early, at least I have all the credits. You graduate in two months, I graduate in a week. This is the last time you ever get to talk to me, I refuse to let you break me more." I went back to my locker grabbed all my things and walked out, I headed to my car and got in. 

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