Pretty Little Liar PT 2

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Brooke is dating Leah Clearwater, a friend of her sister, Bella swan. They have different moms but the same dad, Brooke is the oldest sibling. When on stage Brooke sings songs for Leah, not caring that her ex is there still. This goes in-depth about how the two met and how their relationship started and you learn more about Brooke and her side of the family.

Song- Crazy Beautiful by Andy Grammer

Brooke's POV

Six months ago (1 month after the breakup)

I walked up to my childhood home when I was dropped off to see my dad, I knocked on the door and he opened it. He smiled a soft smile and let me in, I put my bag down and hugged him. He hugged me back, rubbing my back. "Is Bella here dad?" I looked up at him, he moved the hair out of my face and nodded. "Yes, I didn't tell her you were coming as you asked. Leah is up there too," I nodded and walked up the stairs, I knocked softly. "Come in, dad." I smiled and opened the door, once I walked in I saw Bella sitting on her bed with Leah.

They both looked up and their eyes widened, "Brooke!" They both ran over and hugged me, I hugged back. They then pulled me into the room and sat me on the bed, I looked at them both. It's been almost a year since I've seen the two of them, I took in the way Leah looked. She was noticeably taller and had more muscle on her than I remember, Bella snapped me out of it by touching my arm. "How come you came early? I'm not complaining, but that means you left school early." I licked my lips, trying to stall. "Emily and I broke up, she cheated on me with Alison. She doesn't know I know, I just broke up with her and I haven't talked to or seen her since. And for me coming early, I graduated early so I just came here." They nodded, and I noticed Leah getting a little red in the face.

I put a hand on her, feeling how her skin was hotter than it probably should be. "Leah, are you ok?" She looked at me and her skin cooled down a little, but not much to notice. "Yeah, sorry. But that pisses me off, she had you and she still cheated? Who does that, anyone would be lucky to have you." I blushed and put my hair behind my ear, Bella looked between us and rolled her eyes. "You guys still act the same since we were kids," I looked at her and laughed, "You're still a kid munchkin." Bella hit my arm and I laughed harder, I smiled at the two of them. "So are you guys dating anyone?" Bella blushed and looked away, Leah rolled her eyes. "Yeah her name is Rosalie Cullen, she is absolutely beautiful." I looked at her, I knew that name, Cullen.

"Hm, well I can't wait to meet her." Bella smiled and I noticed Leah not listening, Bella got up and headed to the bathroom. I set my hand on Leah's thigh, touching her warm skin with my cold skin. "Leah, why don't you like Rosalie?" She looked at my hand then at me, I moved my thumb softly. "It's nothing you should worry about, I would prefer you didn't get mixed in with it ok?" I smiled and kissed her cheek softly, whispering. "You're cute when you try and protect me, don't worry I don't need it I can handle myself." I pulled away once I heard Bella opening her door.

Bella had her phone and was texting someone, "I asked Rosalie to come over to meet you, she's bringing her sister Alice too." My ears perked up as I heard the name Alice, Alice Cullen I knew that name. I heard a car pull up and a set of feet running toward the house, I looked at Leah, her body was tense and she moved closer to me. "I'm gonna bring them upstairs, be right back." I heard them knock on the door and dad let them in, once Bella made it downstairs I heard the two new voices whispering to each other. I couldn't make out what they were saying, they knew how to keep quiet. I held Leah's hand as they walked upstairs, the door opened again, and in walked two vampires behind Bella.

Leah tensed up again, I kissed her hand and she relaxed a little. My eyes connected to the blonde who had a bitchy look at Leah, I looked at the pixie and that was when I knew, they were the Cullen's the Volturi talk about all the time. I put my hand out and stood up, letting go of Leah's hand. "I'm Brooke swan, it's nice to meet you both. I'm assuming the blonde is Rosalie so the little one is Alice," Bella looked at me weirdly, wondering how I knew. "Bella, I would like to speak to them alone, I am your older sister." Bella went to protest but I walked and went outside, I heard them follow behind me.

GxG One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora