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Ashley- Original Female Character/Ashely Marin- Sabrina has a massive crush on her best friend Hanna's mom, Ashley. After high school the girls decide to take a break before going to college, wanting to spend more time with each other. Sabrina decides to write a song, showing her friends but never revealing what it was about.

(Song- Ashley by: Zolita)


Sabrina's POV

I sat in the studio I had built with my dad over the school year. It was with an agreement that I would work while he built it, I worked on my music and kept my grades up, I also had to get a job so we were able to afford the material. My friends were coming over, they've been impatiently waiting to hear the sample of the song I'd been working on. I couldn't let them hear it all, there was a part of the song I wasn't ready for them to hear about, especially Hanna. I had planned on once it was finished singing it at the brew, Ezra, Aria's boyfriend, and my former teacher owned it and had already asked me to sing there. He told me whenever I was ready I could let him know and he would make a spot for me, I knew the parents would be there, she would be there.

I always wondered if she knew, knew the way I pinned over her. Maybe she knew by the way I would linger, the way I would watch her from across the room. I heard a knock on the door and headed over, opening it to see my four best friends. Considering I had met them first, I was always closer to Hanna and Spencer. They followed me inside the room and I sat down, they all sat on the couch as I started it.

The silver chain around your neck

I hate myself when I think of it

'Cause when I do I'm a wreck

Your name rings 'round my head

We're drunk and in your room

I hope you feel it too

I usually play it cool

But I can't play cool for you

I paused it before more could play I looked at them, smiling nervously. I could tell they knew it was finished, but I wasn't playing it all. "How come you stopped the song? You told us it was finished, why can't we hear it all?" I looked at Hanna, I thought of a quick lie that made sense. "I don't wanna spoil it before you guys hear it tonight." They nodded and Hanna smiled, sitting up. "So I was thinking we go to my place, and eat something before the show. That way my mom can just drive us there," We all nodded, agreeing, and got up. I grabbed my coat, I was already dressed for tonight, knowing I needed to be ready hours before because of how nervous I was. We headed out and downstairs, I wished my parents were here to hear me perform but they were on a trip around the world now that I was out of high school.

The girls just promised they would record it for them, we got into Spencer's car and she started driving to Hanna's house. I felt my leg start to bounce nervously, Emily gently put her hand on my thigh stopping it. I knew she just thought I was nervous about tonight, but that wasn't my worry, my worry was seeing her, performing it for her. We pulled up and got out, we walked in and I felt my heart in my throat, the sudden urge to vomit appearing when I made eye contact with her. I always felt that when I got nervous, I never really got nervous around her, I always got shy, or a little too confident. I think knowing this is the day she learns how I feel about her is making me feel that way. We walked over and sat at the island, she smiled at us and I just stared at her. Hanna was the first to talk, "So Mom, will you be able to take us to the brew tonight? You were coming to cheer Sabrina on, right?" Her mom looked at me then her daughter, nodding.

"Yes, I had planned on coming along, I know the other parents were also coming so at least I wouldn't be the only old person there for a teens' concert." I laughed at that, looking at my lap and shaking my head. "I'm almost twenty, Miss. Marin, I'm hardly a teen." I looked at her again and she waved it off, cooking dinner for us. I didn't know if it was a good idea to be eating, with my nerves playing with me I might vomit when I get on the "stage". Once it was done I moved to the table so if she wanted she could sit there, she gave us all a plate and ended up sitting next to me at the table. She tapped my hand and we started eating, I always loved her cooking and I think she knew that. My eyes drifted towards the necklace she always wore, it happened to be the one I bought her. She knew that but she never told anyone, I got it for her as a Mother's Day gift because I had seen it and it reminded me of her. Never told her the price, she would have probably killed me, it took three checks to be able to afford it.

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