My Sugar Momma

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Reader/Morticia Addams- Y/N is the sugar baby Morticia, Morticia kept it a secret from her husband and family. Y/N does not know that Morticia is married, thinking she is a single woman who just has a lot of money. One day when she was supposed to meet up with Morticia, she sees her cornered by her husband and daughter, wondering who she is cheating on her husband with. SOME CHOKING IN THIS


I was waiting for my sugar momma, Morticia to show up at the cafe where we normally meet up before she gives me money and takes me to her place. We've never had sex since she has just asked for me to keep her company. I was the one who tried to have sex with her, but she never wanted to. She always told me when the time was right she would have me, but the time hasn't come. She has shown me in many ways she finds me beautiful and that I was the one she wanted, I watched her walk in. I smiled at her and my eyes drifted to her hips as they swayed with every step. She smirked as she sat down, I blushed and looked away. "Don't look away from me, sweet girl." My eyes made it back to her and I kept eye contact. 

"I've missed you sweet, I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you in a week." Her hand reached over to hold mine, I smiled at her and held her hand. "It's ok, Ticia, I understand. We all have lives, it just happens that mine revolves around you." She winked at me and smiled, she pulled her hand away and opened her purse. She pulled out an envelope and set it in front of me, I was used to her giving me money but this envelope seemed thicker than the others. Before I could grab it she set down a box next to it, it was a jewelry box. I grabbed the box and opened it, it was a beautiful gold locket. I opened it and saw it had writing in it 'Till death do us part and the darkness fills us', I also saw it had a photo of her in it. 

"I know the quote might be, a lot. But it means I'm serious about us, and I want you to know that, in my own way." I smiled at her and put the necklace on, holding it close to my chest. "I love it, thank you." She smiled at me, and I grabbed the envelope and looked inside. My eyes widened as I noticed multiple hundreds that filled the envelope to the brim, I looked at her and went to hand it back. "I can't accept this, this is too much." She shook her head and pushed my hand away, "It's yours, you deserved it. You've been perfect since the very beginning, let me treat you." I was silent for a moment before putting it away in my bag, "You spoil me enough already, Morticia, you don't have to overdo it, I'm not going anywhere." She nodded and stood up, offering her hand.

I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the cafe, she took me to her car and had her driver take her to her house. I always wondered if this was her actual life, or if she had a family she was hiding from me. I asked her if she had family or a husband, and she denied it and said I was the only love in her life. I believed her because she gave me no other reason not to, after a moment we arrived and she got out. She came around and opened my door, I smiled at her and we walked inside. She gently grabbed my hand again and pulled me into the living room, I set my bag down on the couch as she sat down. I went to sit next to her but she pulled me into her lap, moving me so I was straddling her. This was new but I wasn't mad at it, she gently started kissing my neck. 

"Not that I'm complaining, and I definitely don't want you to stop, but what has gotten into you?" She continued to kiss my neck, making her way up to my ear. She gently nipped at it, "I want to mark and taste what's mine, that's ok isn't it princess?" I nodded and she started biting and sucking at my neck, I bit my bottom lip to hold in the sounds that were threatening to come out. Her hands moved down from my hips to my ass, she gripped gently causing me to moan softly. She smirked against my neck and pulled away, her hands not moving. "You look perfect, princess." I blushed and she pulled me into a kiss, I kissed back without thinking. We had kissed before, but it wasn't something we did often. She pulled away once I needed to breathe, her hands making their way back up to my hips. 

"Why don't we watch a movie before it's time to take you home?" I nodded, and she moved me in her lap so I could see the tv but still be close to her. She put on a movie that neither of us were going to pay attention to, especially with how close we were and how her hand keeps making its way under my shirt. I leaned in and gently started kissing her neck, "Don't you dare mark me," I smirked and went to bite down but I felt a hand grip my neck, this also wasn't a first. Morticia loved having her hand around my throat, especially when I talked back to her. She pulled me away from her neck, gripping tightly. "Don't make me punish you, be a good girl and watch the movie or I'll make you regret it. Understand me?" I nodded causing her to tilt her head at me, squeezing tighter. "I understand ma'am, I'll stop." She let go of my throat and I laid my head on her shoulder, watching the movie. 

The day they find out
I walked into the cafe and looked around for Morticia, at first I didn't see her so I went up and ordered a coffee. As I went to go and sit where I normally sat I saw her, but she wasn't alone. She had a slight panic look in her eye as a man and a smaller young girl were talking to her. They weren't letting her walk away, it almost seemed as if they were yelling but it was quiet. I noticed Morticia's eyes quickly look at me, in the second they reached me I could see her begging, begging for me not to be there. I knew this was someone important to her, someone, she wanted to keep from me. I set my coffee down and walked over, her eyes widened slightly, not enough for them to notice. 

I stood behind them, hearing what they were saying. "I know you're cheating on me, I know you've been cheating on me. All of a sudden you want a divorce, we've been married forever and in love, then all the sudden you're leaving for "work" and come back glowing, you are supposed to only glow with me. We have kids together, Morticia, so tell me, who is he? Who stole your dead heart from me? I was the love of your life," I wanted to say something, but I knew it wasn't my place, so I just listened, I stayed where I was, not walking away or getting angry. I think Morticia knew I wasn't going to go anywhere, she glanced at me as I held the locket. I loved her, and I had for a while, she has been my sugar momma for a year and we've gotten closer over the past couple of months. 

I assume that is why they only recently found out, I knew the locket meant she loved me. It was why it meant so much to me, she knew that. "I am not cheating on you, Gomez, especially since we are divorcing. I have not been intimate with anyone before asking for a divorce. I did love you, but I fell out of love. I fell in love with someone else, I will always love the kids and I want to stay in their lives and yours, but I cannot be your wife. That would make me unfaithful and I refuse to be that." Her eyes made it to mine again before she moved away, I backed away and went to a table to make it look like I was just sitting down. 

I didn't want to cause anything that wasn't necessary, so I glanced at them before looking at the table. They followed where she went, "Wednesday, this should only be between your father and I, I'm sorry he dragged you into this. Your father can be a bit dramatic, please understand that I love your father, you, and your brother, but being in a marriage that makes me unhappy wouldn't be fair to anyone. Please respect that, both of you. Now, if you could excuse me, I have a date with my girlfriend." She walked over to my other table and grabbed my coffee, before walking over and sitting in front of me. She handed me my coffee and I smiled at her, I watched as Gomez went to say something but he just left. 

Wednesday looked at me, her eyes weren't filled with hate. She nodded at me and walked away, following her angry father. "I'm sorry you had to see that, this isn't how I wanted you to find out about my family, I've been trying to divorce him since before that day at the house. It's why I haven't been intimate with you, I didn't want to be unfaithful. It's also why we never kissed, only when we started was when I started the process. Wednesday shouldn't have been here, he always dragged her around for things she shouldn't know about." I looked at her and grabbed her hand, "When you said you fell in love with someone else, was that the truth?" She rubbed her thumb against the back of my hand, nodding. "I love you, Y/N, I have for a while." I smiled widely. 

"I love you too, Morticia, who would have known that I would fall for my sugar momma." She laughed and smiled, I drank my coffee as we continued to talk. She told me about her kids, I smiled as I watched her eyes light up as she talked about them. 

GxG One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora