The Silent Singer

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Original Female Character/Rosalie Hale- Theodora and Rosalie are mated, Theo didn't know it was the mate bond but never said anything because of Rosalie's view from her past time. Rosalie also had feelings but said nothing because of her views on same-sex couples. Theo leaves the Cullens and starts producing music, under a stage name and hidden face, Rosalie finds out about the song through a radio station. Theo barely talked to her and she always wondered why. 

Warning- Internalized Homophobia. 
Song: OMG Did She Call Him Baby?- Beth McCarthy 
Theodora's POV

I was sitting in the living room of my new coven mates' house, I knew them through the Cullens, though I never officially met them. I was on the run, well not really, I was mainly running from my fear of rejection. I was just traveling, producing music while staying in a hotel. By the time I got to the Denali's my new album 'Heart Of Thorns' was a hit, my hit song 'OMG Did She Call Him Baby?' was really popular in the LGBTQ+ community. We were waiting for it to be on the radio for the first time, I was nervous, but I knew this was what I was working towards. Tanya came over with a smile, sitting next to me on the couch. "You know, Kate told Rosalie to go on a drive and listen to her favorite song, it was going to be on the radio. Though Rose thought she was crazy, she's doing it." I laugh softly, rolling my eyes. 

"Today's new hit! By a new artist Thorn, her song has peeked in the LGBT community, with her new album Heart Of Thorns! You know Kay, I love the album photo." A woman laughed, "I agree, I love the woman holding the rose surrounded by thorns herself, it's a lovely cover." The guy laughed, "Well this is the hit song, 'OMG Did She Call Him Baby?'. If you ever felt like this, I'm sorry!" The song started playing and I smiled widely. As it played, I thought about when she started dating Emmett, the way my undead heart broke as I watched them so happy. It was everything she could dream of as a vampire, her perfect straight relationship. I was there when she changed him, begging Carlisle to help, covered in his blood. It was the strongest I had ever seen her, and it was all for him. 
Rosalie's POV

I was in my car, driving down the highway, going to the radio Kate told me to, she seemed tense, almost angry at me but I pushed it away since she asked me to listen to this song, I didn't know why but I did anyway. Emmett wanted to come but I told him to stay, he always wanted to be my side, and I loved it, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts away, the thoughts I shouldn't be having, the unnatural thoughts. 

I turned the radio up, "Today's new hit! By a new artist Thorn, her song has peeked in the LGBT community, with her new album Heart Of Thorns! You know Kay, I love the album photo." A woman laughed, my eyebrows furrowed, Thorn. No there was no way, this couldn't be Theo, she would never. "I agree, I love the woman holding the rose surrounded by thorns herself, it's a lovely cover." The guy laughed, "Well this is the hit song, 'OMG Did She Call Him Baby?'. If you ever felt like this, I'm sorry!" I couldn't wrap my head around it, Theo promised that if she ever released music I would be the first to know, but she no longer talks to me, maybe a random text to say she's alive, but that's it. She never told me why, I gripped the steering wheel and sighed deeply. 

'Hey, how was your day?
Mine was fine, oh you've got a new guy
I don't know what to say, but I'm around
I'll be around if you need me'

I listened to the song as I pulled off to an exit, knowing I might need to be slower. I recognized Theo's voice, my heart broke at the betrayal, but I guess I couldn't be mad. 

'Hi, how was your night?
Thought you'd call back?
I guess that you forgot it's all right
Even if I'm not in your mind
I'm around, I'll be around if you need me

Did he fuck it up again?
I know that she needs a friend
But I want to be more than that
He's her type, he's a ten
When he messages I bet
Unlike me he doesn't get left unread'

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