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Rosalie Hale/Original Female Character- Rosalie and Lily, Bella's twin sister, fell in love with the closed-off blonde, the one everyone in their high school feared. They started dating in secret, Rosalie was not ready to come out yet, at first it was easy, but as the years went on it got harder for Lily. Lily never wanted to push Rosalie, knowing it wasn't easy to come out but in the end, they didn't end up together.

Song- 19 by Xana (Seriously you guys should listen to this song, it's definitely my all-time favorite right now. I've listened to it on repeat, I literally do not relate to it, but love it anyways)
Lily's POV

3 Years Ago

"I wish I were ready like you, but I'm not Lee, I'm not. I would love nothing more than to walk into that school, hold your hand, and walk into my house. But I'm not ready," I looked at her, we've had this talk, I never wanted to push her, never, but I couldn't stay in the closet. "They won't care, Rose, they won't. The school won't, and neither will your family, you know that." She shook her head, putting her head into her hands. "I'm not ready, maybe they won't care, maybe they will, but I'm not ready." I looked down at the floor, sighing softly. "I can't hide, I just wanna tell Bella about you, I just wanna tell my dad about you. I know I can't tell my mom about you, but I wanna tell all of our friends, I want to go on a date with you, in town." "I wish I was ready for you now, but I'm not." I felt the tears well up in my eyes, looking at her to see her looking back at me, holding tears that would never fall. "Does this mean it's the end for us?" Her cold hand gently touched my cheek, I couldn't help but lean into it. "I don't want it to be, Lily, I really don't." I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"But, I also don't wanna hold you back from being your true self. Maybe when I'm ready, we can start over. I don't wanna lose you, but I'll lose you no matter what, won't I?" I just shook my head, the tears falling down my cheek. "I love you, Rose." She pecked my lips softly, letting hers linger. "I love you too, we'll meet again, Lee." She got up and I just watched as she walked out of the empty house. I let myself slide off the bed, falling to the floor with my head on my knees. I felt stupid, but I just couldn't do it anymore. 
Present Time

I was sitting in my college dorm when an envelope from my sister arrived and when I opened it I saw a wedding invitation to her and Edward's wedding. I felt my stomach drop, I was happy for them, completely and utterly happy, but I knew I would see her. I grabbed my phone and called Bella, she answered after a few rings. "Lily! It's good to hear from you, I assume you got the invitation?" I heard Edwards' faint voice in the back. "Yeah I did, congratulations, I wish I had good news, I won't be able to attend." "What? Why?" "You know, college, work, it's hectic." She was silent for a moment, they didn't know about Rose and I's relationship, and she wasn't gonna find out about it now. "The wedding is when you're off from college, I'm sure your work will let you a few days off." "I'm not sure you know, I uh really can't make it." She sighed softly, "You know, Rosalie was happy to see you, she wanted to introduce her girlfriend, Veronica." My breath hitched, and my heart dropped to my toes. I felt almost lightheaded, "Lily? Are you ok?" I heard Edward's concerned voice coming closer, he was like a brother to me and he worried about me all the time. 

"Y-Yeah, listen I'm sorry, I'll try and figure something out." I hung up quickly and set my phone down. I didn't know what I was going to do, I wasn't ready to face her, especially now. I heard my phone going off, I was getting texts from Bella, Edward, and my dad. I grabbed it and rubbed my eyes, I didn't wanna cry. 

Daddio- Hey, Bella said you weren't coming to the wedding, what's going on?

DoorBell- Hey, why did you hang up so quickly? I know something is stopping you from coming, just tell me, I just wanna understand what's wrong.

Eddie- I know I'm probably the last person you expect to be messaging you, or I'm the one you hoped to message you. I know more than you think because I couldn't help it as much as I tried when you lived here and Bella didn't. Rose didn't hide from me, I just never said anything. I know it hurts, I know, but you can't avoid her forever, Lily. You will see her eventually, and you might meet Veronica, but who knows, it isn't like they're meant to be. 

I just read them all, I decided I would message Edward. 

Lil- I know I can't avoid her forever, but I can try. I'm the one growing old here, remember?

Eddie- You know when she finds out she won't be happy, she'll know why too. Rosalie will come to find you, she's crazy like that. 

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't. 

Lil- I don't know what you want from me, I've avoided her for two years, let me avoid her for longer. 

Eddie- You know how much it would mean to Bella if you came. 

Lil- Yeah, what about my feelings in this matter though? We broke up because she wasn't ready, and now I'm not ready. It's ironic.

Eddie- Just think about it, ok? For Bella, and you. It might help to see her. 

I left him on read, I knew he would let Bella know some of the things we had said so there was no point in texting her. I would just get the same thing from her. I let my dad know I was just gonna think about it before closing my phone. I sighed and got up, grabbing my notebook, pen, and book bag. I put a hoodie on and walked out of my dorm room. I walked down the stairs and outside, the wind blowing softly. There weren't many people walking around, I walked to the music room, I had the key since I was the president of the class. I rolled my eyes at the title, I thought I would lose those titles in high school, but of course not. I walked in, locked the door behind me, and turned the lights on, I sat down on the bench in front of the piano. I thought about what I was writing, what I was feeling, I just wrote all of it down, fixing it all here and there. I didn't write often, never finishing a song but I had a feeling that I might finish this one. 

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