Chances PT 2

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Rosalie/Reader- More of the truth comes out, Rosalie finds out she's pregnant with Emmett's kid. She and Y/N get back together and file charges against Emmett. R@PE, NONCONSENT

Rosalie's POV

I looked over at Alice, her back was to me as she poured our drinks. I watched as she seemed to put something in one of the drinks, stirring it. I didn't think anything of it, since she was my best friend. I know she and Y/N don't get along, but I grew up with Alice so it was hard to avoid her. She handed me one of the drinks, I didn't know if it was the one she was mixing. We started talking as we drank, I asked her what was in it as I seemed to get buzzed quickly. She just shrugged and smiled, once I was done my vision was blurry.

The last thing I remember was her leaving and Emmett coming in then waking up with him.

I was at Y/N's door again, it's been two weeks since I saw her. I went to knock but she opened the door. My eyes were puffy, my makeup ruined, and my hair tousled. I texted her if I could come over, telling her I know what happened, it was also when I found out I was pregnant. She kept the door open for me and I walked in, I closed the door behind me. I sat down and she looked at me, sitting next to me. "What happened Rosalie?" I looked at her, I was so thankful that she was giving me a chance to at least explain.

"Alice and I were drinking, I noticed her mixing one, I didn't think anything of it, especially since they were glittery drinks, I was assuming she was just mixing in the glitter. But I had started getting buzzed after a couple of drinks, and by the end my vision was blurry and I could barely sit straight. Then she left, she went to Jasper, or at least I think she did and he came in. I don't remember much of what was said, but I also don't remember when the clothes came off, I think I was asleep by then. But that's all I can remember and then waking up, I was in his bed, not hers anymore so he moved me, there would be no way I could walk." Her hand was gripping the arm of the couch, her nails digging into the leather I had picked out.

"There's...There's one more thing." She looked at me, her eyes filled with rage but she was calm for me. "I'm pregnant, Y/N, I don't know what I'm gonna do." I started sobbing again and she pulled me into her. She rocked me with her, just holding me close till I calmed down. Once I stopped crying she pulled away and I looked at her, wiping my tears. "There are options Rose, you don't have to keep the baby, and if you want to, you have people you have your family, your friends..." The "me" was unspoken, but it was there. "We can also tell the police, I think that would be the best option for you, I can go there with you." I shook my hair, "There's no proof, I waited too long. No one would believe me," She bit her lip, thinking to herself.

"I have an idea, I mean, I know I'm going to law school but it doesn't mean I know everything. But if you take him somewhere public you can record him, he won't be able to dismiss that. Since it was on public property and we only need one party to know about the recording, which would be you. So why don't you get him to confess, you know he will. Especially if he thinks I still hate you and that no one will believe you." I thought about it and nodded, agreeing to the idea. "Ok, I'll do it. Besides you're my smart girl, you must have something that I can use to disguise the fact I'm recording." My heart dropped as I realize what I said, I looked at her but she seemed to ignore it and just smiled.

"I think I have the perfect thing, before we um, broke up I was working on these and I continued after. It's glasses that can record and it's my design. They have a mic, camera, and a screen so you can see what's being recorded. I could also put up a screen that tells you what to say, I can also turn it all off, they look like normal sunglasses, so it won't look suspicious." I smiled and she got up and grabbed them, she opened her laptop and showed me how they worked, that it was all from her laptop and a button on the inside of the glasses.

"I think it'll work, you're a genius Y/N." She smiled widely and handed me them, I put them on and she turned them on. She had turned off the screen so I could see better, though it wasn't that restricting. I grabbed my phone and looked at her, "I'm gonna do this, do you wanna come with me? You can hide in my back seat while it all happens, watch it from your laptop?" In reality, I just didn't wanna go alone, I think she knew that. She nodded and packed everything up, we walked out to my car and she got in the back, ducking when she saw anyone, just in case. I held in my laugh since she was such a dork.

Once I got to a pretty empty park I texted him, telling him to meet me. I got an instant reply back and we waited, once I saw his car park a couple of cars over I got out and went to a bench with the sunglasses on. I had turned them on when I walked over, I made it look like I was fixing them. I looked at him when I knew they were on, so you could see his face in the camera. He sat down next to me and I kept my eyes on him, he had a wide smile on his face. "It's been too long Rosalie, I knew you would miss me eventually." I kept myself from punching him, "I know what happened Emmett, you had Alice drug me, I saw her." He laughed and shook his head, "I didn't have her do anything." I glared at him through the glasses.

"She drugged me either way, and you took advantage of me when she left, now why would she conveniently drug me and then leave when I couldn't even see my hand or sit straight just for you to come in and once I was blacked out I somehow was in your bed and naked?" He smirked and leaned in, his face a few inches close to mine. "Sure, I had her drug you, I mean she also wanted a piece of your ass, so it didn't take much convincing. I mean you wanted it, you never said no, maybe cause you were so deep under that pill. You know they give what she gave you to horses, you were out for hours, it was so much fun. I mean, besides who's gonna believe you? I know Y/N won't, she hates you, and the cops? You have no proof." I stood up and left, I turned the glasses off before taking them off.

I got in the car and as Emmett was walking to his Y/N sat up and waved, a shit-eating grin on her face, he glared at me and went to run to the car, but I drove off. I instantly went to the police when she transferred the video to a hard drive and made multiple copies. We went and filed a report on both of them, the police instantly arrested both of them, I late found out they arrested Jasper, since he was the one who provided the drugs. He does work as a vet, so it made sense. I was also told that Emmett and Alice wouldn't be getting out for a while, since I wasn't their first time, and probably wouldn't have been their last.

7 Months Later
I just finished court, they were found guilty, Alice was going to be in prison for 10 years, and Emmett was going to be in for life since over forty women came forward and he was found guilty on all counts. Jasper was going to face two years since he took the plea deal and admitted he didn't know why Alice needed it since she lied, which she admitted to. Y/N and I got back together, and I couldn't be happier.

I was due to have our baby girl, and she accepted me for wanting to keep the baby. She wishes it was over better circumstances but will love the baby no matter what. I know what happened is still gonna affect us, but it's easier than it could have been. I do plan on still asking her to marry me, just once the baby is born. When Emmett found out when he saw me, he had a smirk, he couldn't shut up during court, talking about how he did that and that I liked it since I'm keeping the baby. He had to be removed, which didn't help his sentencing.

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