Wait For Me

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Lauren/Amy- Lauren and Amy were best friends in middle school when Lauren found out she was moving away. Amy had a massive crush on Lauren and didn't want to let her leave without telling her. Lauren was the beauty pageant girl, who could never tell her dad or her mom, who was sick, that she was in love with a girl. Lauren's mom always knew, but her dad was a different story. When Lauren leaves, she makes sure Amy promises to wait for her, they didn't know if the promise would last, but they would sure try. (They aren't step sisters in this story)


Amy's POV


My best friend, Lauren, and I were sitting on the floor in her bedroom. She was telling me about how she had a pageant show in Dallas, it was three hours from where we live now. "When will you be back?" She was silent for a moment, I never liked when she was silent, it meant I knew I wasn't gonna like what she was gonna say. "We aren't, Daddy says we're moving there permanently. Not only is it an amazing opportunity for me, but they also have a good hospital for mama." I looked down, my brain was trying to process what she was saying.

"But what about us? You can't leave me, you're my best friend." She looked at me, sighing. "I know that, but I don't have a choice, Amy. If I did, I wouldn't be going." I nodded, and we heard her dad shout us down. We got up and headed downstairs, there was my mom standing there with a smile. I looked at Lauren and hugged her tightly, "When do you leave?" She looked at her dad and then back at me. "We leave Friday, Lauren's last day will be Wednesday." I nodded, that was in three days. I waved bye and left with my mom, I wasn't excited for her to leave, I would miss her so much.

Once I got home I headed upstairs, I didn't know what to think. My best friend was leaving, not only was she my best friend, but I was also in love with her. I didn't know what I was gonna do, I needed to tell her. I couldn't live my life knowing I at least never told her, I just had to figure out when I would do it and how. I sat down on my bed, thinking to myself. I would tell her tomorrow after school, it would be her last dad and possibly the last chance I would have since she would be busy finishing up the packing. I got up and looked through my closet, figuring out what would be the best outfit to wear.

I knew she loved fashion, so wearing something nice for her would make her smile. I knew I would wear it to school, so it couldn't be too fancy. I decided on a nice pair of jeans, a band t-shirt I stole from her and a flannel. As much as she hates to admit it, she loves it when I wear my flannels, I see it in her eyes. I set my outfit on my desk and headed downstairs, I saw my mom cooking dinner and went and sat at the island. "Hi honey, dinner is almost done." I nodded, watching her cook. "Hey mom, after school I'm gonna hang out with Lauren since I might not be able to before she leaves. Is that ok?" She turned and looked at me, a small smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes. "Of course honey, just don't stay out too late, ok?" I nodded and she continued cooking, once it was done she plated our meals and I helped set the table and get us water.

We sat down and ate in silence, this is how it normally was since my dad left. Silence, until someone broke it, which would normally be me talking about school but today I had nothing to talk about. Once we were done I headed upstairs to get ready for bed, I took a shower and brushed my teeth before heading to bed. I was nervous about tomorrow, but I knew I had to get it over with.

Next day

It was the end of school, I told Lauren I would be there after. She let me know it was ok but she wouldn't be able to see me until Friday before they leave. I knew it was gonna be like that but it still sucks to hear, once I had everything I saw Lauren at the end of the school. Everyone had said their byes to her at lunch, I headed towards her and she saw me. We walked out of the school and I saw her dad waiting for her, we got in his car and buckled up.

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