The Secret

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Faking it- Amy/Original Female Character- Amy and Belle Booker are dating and have been for a few months, when the idea of telling Karma and her friends, especially her brother freaks Amy out Belle agrees to keep the secret, knowing that Amy didn't want to risk their relationship with Karma and Shane's craziness. Karma is creepily possessive of Amy and Shane only wants Karmy to happen though Karma is straight.

G!P Belle

Belle's POV

I was sitting in my girlfriend, Amy's room as she talked to her friend Karma on the phone. She was convincing her she was sick and didn't want her to come over, I knew her mom would tell her she couldn't come in and it would just mean she would have to lock the window and close the blinds so she wouldn't see us together, sometimes it was difficult, especially in school when we couldn't hold hands or kiss. It was all I wanted to do, but instead, we had to hide in dark classrooms or bathrooms, sure we talked to each other, Liam was friends with her and dating Karma so it was fine that we talked to each other, no one suspected a thing. But Amy was always paranoid that Karma would find out, that she would break us apart. I always tell her it would never happen, that I could handle her but she never believed me, telling me the stories about Karma and her shenanigans. "Karma really I'm super sick, so please don't come over, I'll see you on Monday, I promise." I leaned back on my hands and watched her, she was running her hands through her hair. 

"I'll see you later," She hung up and went to her mom's room, I could faintly hear her tell her not to let Karma in since I was here and then came back. She locked the window and closed the blinds, so she couldn't see us if she were to sneak up the house.  "Why don't we just tell her? You know I'm not afraid of her, or Shane. They're your friends, but I'm your girlfriend, besides you know how hard it is to keep it from them? Liam is so suspicious of me when I always sneak out." She shook her head and came over, straddling my lap and sighing. "I'm not ready, with the way Karma acted in the past, I know you said you aren't scared of them, but not to bring up exes, Reagan said the same and look how that ended up." I gripped her hips softly, "One, Reagan was biphobic, two I'm not her. I've dealt with Liam and his bull, I can handle Karma and Shane." She kissed me softly, I kissed back.

She pulled away when she needed air, leaning her forehead against mine. "I know you say that, but I'm just not ready yet." I laid back in the bed, pulling her with me. "We can't hide forever," She looked at me, "At least until graduation?" I just laughed, "That's in less than two years, you're crazy." "You said we couldn't do it forever, that's not forever." I kissed her head, "I'll wait for you, at least Farah and Bruce know about me, Lauren is Lauren and you couldn't keep anything from her, she's like a bloodhound when it comes to secrets." She laughed loudly, nodding in agreement. "I know it's tough, I know, all I want is to love on you at lunch, or in the courtyard, but I would much rather have to drive out of town or hide in my house than think of losing you." She looked at me, I could see the love in her eyes that she held only for me; Sure we hadn't said it yet but we had a mutual understanding that we loved each other. 

I pulled her into a kiss, deepening it as her hips started to move against mine. I flipped us and gently kissed down to her neck, I wanted to mark her but she would kill me if I did. She was allowed to mark me, I could easily say it was a hookup but that was never and would never be Amy's scene and she sucks at lying when she gets questioned. I slowly unbuttoned her flannel, I was only allowed to mark her where they wouldn't see. I could see the faint marks on her chest under her bra and the trail on her stomach. I pulled her bra down and started marking her chest, doing one that would be a little harder to hide, but the hitch and quickness of her breathing made it worth it. I trailed my lips down and started marking her stomach, deciding to make a heart shape on her. I knew she would get me back with the heart, either making one herself that would be noticeable and her nails always made enough marks.

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