Without You

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I literally made this while listening to super sad music. (Not sad, very happy but it gets me in the zone) I am absolutely obsessed with this show, have been but decided to finally write about it. They are still MINORS so there is nothing sexual. IF AND ONLY IF that ever happens in any form they would be aged.

Without You- Cal/Juliette- Juliette discovers what it's like to lose someone you love. She stops eating, laughing, and smiling, she no longer has the will to live. Her will was Calliope, who now hates her guts. Cal watches Juliette deteriorate at school, getting worse and worse.


No One's POV

Juliette's bag was dropped loosely over her arm, her eyes were puffy, her cheeks sunken in while body looked thinner, and her eyes looked distant and dark. She walked sluggish next to Ben who was talking with a smile on his face. She ignored the concerned and sad looks she got from everyone around her. It was like they knew things she hadn't shared, only Ben knew. Her parents suspected that Juliette was no longer with the threat, but with them being too busy dealing with Elinor and Oliver they don't notice Juliette slowly killing herself. 

Across the hall was Calliope, her eyes had dark circles around them, not sleeping to stop dreaming of Juliette. Calliope was counting the days where she would leave Savannah, her parents were divorcing, and she was searching for her brother but knew there was no hope. Calliope watched Juliette from afar, watching how their breakup was affecting her. Calliope was able to hide what she was feeling from the people around her, unlike Juliette. She headed to class, her head up high like she taught herself. She did her best to ignore the vampire in the room, to ignore her racing heartbeat. Calliope only needed to make it to the end of school, then she was free to go home. 

Juliette's POV

There she was, every day I showed up for school I felt my heart break a little more than it already was. She never looked at me, not even a glance. I was nothing to her, I slept all day, hoping for a glimpse of her in my dreams, the real her but she wasn't there anymore. I didn't know what that meant for us, was it because she no longer loved me? Because she wasn't sleeping? I hoped it was neither, I hoped she was sleeping, I hoped she was healthy, happy, even without me. I looked away and did my best to focus on school, I had to keep my grades up or it meant my parents had a reason to suspect something was wrong, more so than they did already. 

Ben was there for me, he was there for as much as I allowed him to be. I probably should let him in more, let him know what's going on during the nights I know he's either partying or sleeping alone or with someone. But he leaves soon, he goes to his dad, now that his mom is acting all crazy. I couldn't put him through the worry I knew it would cause him, he leaves next week, and he's just making up credit now so he can take the rest of high school off. I envied him, his ability to run away from the crazy that was Savannah. I heard the bell ring and I walked out of class, it was the last one and I couldn't be more happy to know it was all over for today, for the weekend. I walked to my locker, threw everything in my bag, and closed it loudly. 

I walked out of the school, being one of the first. As I walked out it started sprinkling, I got into my car and watched as Ben quickly put the top over his car before it got too wet. Once I got in my car it started pouring harder, I turned over my car and put the wipers on. I could see Calliope with her bag over her head next to her bike, we made eye contact and I stayed frozen just looking at her. Before I knew it she was in my car, I didn't say anything. I just drove away and headed to her house, there was no music, the radio was off. I was gripping the steering wheel so tight that my fingers were whiter than normal. Once I pulled up to her house I put my car in park, leaning back. I wasn't expecting her to say anything, I wasn't hoping either. 

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