High School Musical

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- Gabriella -
As I went to the party, there were so many people there.... All of those eyes... Staring at me....

My heart was beating fast from the anxiety.

So many things could go wrong.
What if they ridicule me? What if they call me a nerd? What if they shove my head into toilets?

I can't go through that again, I really can't....


I started crying once again, I can't help it, the world's so scary. There's so many psychopaths and serial killers out there.

I could get raped in a dark alley, murdered, and have me body dropped into the ocean. Never to be seen again.

I could have my internal organs ripped out by someone pretending to be my friend, only to betray me in the end.

The people around me could humiliate me for my intelligence. Having someone steal the jeans I'm wearing and having one hundred people laughing at him as I run half naked chasing him...

Just imagining it scares me. (Sob)..... (Sniff)....

I decided to bury my face in one of my books.

I was reading a Kingdom Hearts novel.

It was nice to read a story about a boy going to other worlds alongside a dog with a shield and a magic duck. Fighting people wearing black hoodies.

Just as I was about to read a scene where the Sora stabs himself in the chest to save his girlfriend, my mom tried taking my book away from me.

Telling me "You can't just read your book the whole time. It's a party, go out and have some fun."

As she was grabbing my book. I firmly grasped my book and hardened my grip.

"No, mom. You don't understand. These people scare me, look at them, they're judging me. You can see it in their eyes. They're vicious."

My mom and I ended up playing Tug of war with my Kingdom Hearts book.

"You're being ridiculous!!! They're not judging you!! They're just enjoying the party!!!! Just give them a chance!!!!!"
She said yelling at me.

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

It was surprising how no one reacted to our screaming. You'd think my mom and I would be causing a scene, but nope. They didn't care.

The tug of war ended with my mom stealing my book.

(Sobs).... "Mom please....."
As I begged my mom to stop, she gave me an annoyed look and left me.

I sat alone crying on the couch. Wishing I never came to the party. It was a mistake. I can already imagine someone waking up to me, attempting to talk to me, and having myself burst into tears because of the fear.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, some guy put a spotlight on me.

Great... Just great.....
I didn't want any attention and what do I get? Having some random stranger make people pay attention to me.

A bunch of people shoved me to the center stage and the guy who put me on the spotlight told the two of us

"You know, someday you guys will thank me... Or not." Then he left

He left me with some guy who looked even more nervous than I was.

A song I never heard before started playing and the guy beside me made a failed attempt at singing, while reading the lyrics from the TV screen.

♫♫ Living in my own world... Um.. Didn't.. Lalala... I don't know the lyrics to this sooong ♫♫

The audience started booed him and threw tomatoes at him.

He looked like he was about to burst into tears. So I decided to talk into the mic and told the audience
"What did you guys expect? You brought two complete strangers to sing a song they've never heard before. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how stupid that is."

The guy who put the spotlight in front of me walked to the center stage, looked pissed off, and he belittled us, saying

"Putting you two in the spotlight was a mistake. I should've expected this... Coming from a broken, pathetic mess and a nerdy crybaby."
While getting closer and closer until he was an inch away from my face.

"U.... Um....."
I nervously looked at him, fighting back the tears in my eyes.

"What's the matter bitch? Are you gonna cry to mommy? Are you gonna shit your pants?"
He said enjoying every moment of my misery.

"J.... Just leave me alone... Going to this party was a mistake... I'm sorry... Please let me go..."
After I apologized to him, he attempted to punch me in the face, but I dodged.

I then ran for my life and he chased me outside.
As I was running. He kept screaming insults calling me a "Worthless crybaby bitch."

He eventually caught up to me and grabbed my body. I pushed him off me out of self defense and he landed on a some fireworks being lit on the ground and he brutally burned to death.

The boy that tried singing that song beside me caught up to me and asked if I was ok.

I bursted into tears and went into his arms.

High School Musical: The Rewritten TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now