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- Gabriella -
A couple days after that kid who called himself "Rocket Man" mentality snapped and murdered Chad and Ms. Darbus.

Kelsi dropped out of school because she lost interest.

The principal made every student who went to the school go to the assembly to announce that 5 people have died over the past couple of months.

Everyone wept tears of sadness over the fact the so many young lives (Not counting Ms.Darbus, she was pretty old, but it was sad nonetheless)

Apparently... A year before the first day I went East High. There was a purple haired Goth named Alitza...

According to the principal, she had something called the "Dark Arts" where she had purple magic come out of her hands. She ended up getting mentally broken, by the time the cops found her, she was cutting her own face with a knife saying
" i am my own scars."

A couple months ago, I would've thought it was some made up fanfiction written by a pessimistic emo gamer who needed to cheer the fuck up.

But after my darkness talking to me inside my head, slowly getting the hang of the dark energy inside of me, and fusing with my darkness...

It would hypocritical of me if I said it was unbelievable.

Sharpay got brutally beaten by Kelsi and the former vitcim of the blonde blinded her. A couple months later she got expelled and she killed herself because she was ashamed.

Months later, while in summer vacation. Ryan attempted to kill Kelsi out of revenge and she ended up killing him out of annoyance.

I already knew what happened to Chad and Ms.Darbus, since it was only a couple days ago and I was there.

The principal explained the causes of all of their deaths.

So many deaths in only a short amount of time.

This school used to be filled with bright, cheerful faces who were filled with happiness but now... It's filled with people mourning the dead.

Personally... I wasn't that effected, since I'm dead inside. Most of my emotions are gone and I can't find it in me to care about a bunch of dead bodies.

Who cares?
We're all gonna die anyway.

Shortly after the principal explained how the 5 lives were lost. He went on a long giant rant on how "We should care about more mental health."

I was so bored listening to his hypocritical bullshit, I was only paying half attention.

If he gave a shit, the purple haired goth wouldn't have snapped, she wouldn't have became mentally broken, she would've gotten the help she needed, Kelsi wouldn't be pessimistic, Sharpay would've been punished FAR before she got blinded and killed herself..

Ryan would still be alive, Chad would've been punished before he drove that kid to kill him, and Ms.Darbus would've been fired instead of getting killed by a student she fucked over....

And I would still be the whiny innocent smart girl who's biggest worry was losing a book...

Man... It was only a couple months ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago. It's like I'm not the same person anymore.

My personality isn't the same, my happiness is gone, food doesn't taste the same, and I want to die.

In the end, it was all the principal's fault. His lack of basic empathy has caused a gigantic domino effect filled with physical and mental agony.. and death.

Shortly after the principal's boring, hypocritical rant about wanting to improve mental health.

He dismissed the assembly and he let everyone leave.

When I left the assembly, Taylor tried hugging me in the school hallways. I pushed her body off of me and she cried.

"I'm not a hugger...."
I told one of the only people I knew who wasn't dead.

"(Sob)... I'm sorry... It's just that so many passed away and it's only a been couple of months."
She explained while crying.

I had a bored expression on my face as I picked up my phone and I played angry birds.

"Why are you being so cold about this, don't you care?!!! Don't you feel sad?!!!!"
She asked being over-emotional

"....... I'm on a whole nothing level of sadness.... I feel nothing and I want to die..."
I explained to Taylor.

"Y.... You want to die?.... "
She asked.

"Yes, Taylor... I'm extremely
close to breaking up with my cheater boyfriend, My only friend who isn't dead is an annoying egotistical nerd, and my parents don't give a shit about me... They only pay attention to me when they force me to move.... They force their shit onto me.... Ugh... Typical breeders...."
I explained to my crying friend.

".... Did you know I cut myself?"
As I asked her, her eyes raised from shock.

"This is what happens when no one gives a shit about you.... Look at my scars."
I said showing her the cuts on my wrists.

After I showed her my scars, I ended the conversation and started walking towards the principal's office.

It was time to put an end to this.

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