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- Third Person -
The day after Kelsi brutally murdered her bullies, an audition paper was put on the school board. Revealing that Troy and Gabriella took the roles of the callbacks.

Sharpay looked at the paper expecting to take the lead as she always does, but when she looked it, she freaked out.

She yelled as she started screaming at the top of your lungs.

Her scream was so loud, everyone throughout the entire school could hear it. Causing their ears to bleed.

She asked her twin brother, expecting him to magically know how they've done it for some reason.

Ryan shrugged as he didn't really care that much.

Chad and his basketball slaves decided to see the cause of such a horrible, ear wrenching for themselves.

When he found out Sharpay was the one who screamed. He called her a drama queen, made jokes about how fragile her ego was, and he pointed and laughed with the rest of his team at the pissed off blonde.

The prissy blonde was furious. She ripped off some of Chad's hair. Shoved the hair down his throat, and angrily walked away.

The basketball for a brain teenager was choking on his own hair and one of the other team members had to do the Heimlich maneuver to save his life.

One of the Wildcats made a joke about how gay the entire situation was and he started laughing.

"Don't even fucking joke about it bro!!!! I nearly fucking died!!!!"
Chad yelled, nearly being driven to tears.

"Yeah, whatever.. Anyways, let's see what got Sharpay's panties in a twist."
The team member said looking at the audition paper.

Once he saw Troy and Gabriella's names on the paper, he awkwardly stood in silence. Not knowing what to do.

"...... What is it? You being quiet. It's weird bro."
Chad said, wanting to know what caused him to fall completely silent.

"...... It's nothing. Let's just go back to class, bro..."
His friend said wanting to change the subject and prevent the furious anger.

But sadly, he was delaying the inevitable. Chad pushed his friend aside, looked into the papers, and his vains were popping out of his head as he was growling.

"........ He's...... FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!"
He yelled as he ran away to find Troy.

- At The Cafeteria -
- Gabriella -
I was walking through the cafeteria with Taylor as everyone was staring.

"Um..... Why's everyone staring at you?"
I asked her.

"It's not me, they're staring at you."
She explained.

My heart rate was raising as my anxiety was going up. It's.... It's happening again... The stares.....

I started hyperventilating due to the stress.

"I can't have people staring at me.... I really can't...."
I told Taylor as she gave me a "I don't care" look.

They're judging me..... They're gonna ridicule me.... It's gonna happen again.... I'll have to go through the torture again....

poor little gabriella....
so scared of people...."

"how cute. you're like a
little child, expecting
mommy to save you."

I angrily looked at Taylor and told her
"Hey!!!! That's really mean!!! I didn't ask to have anxiety!!!! I'm trying my best!!!!!! Give me a break!!!!!"

"What're you talking about? I didn't even say anything."
She told me back.

"don't bother talking to
her, she'll never
understand you......"

"fucking crybaby........"

"Are you feeling ok?"
Taylor asked as she was concerned for me.

"Um.... I.... I'm just gonna go..."
I said leaving her.

"so innocent, so kind, so

"Who are you? Where is your voice coming from?"
I asked the voice.

"i'm the darkness inside of your heart... i've watched as you've been ridiculed and
abused for so many years...."

"for so long, you've been
treated unfairly just for being yourself.
especially by
that spoiled
brat sharpay. don't you
want revenge? don't you
want to kill them all. to
tear the skin off their
flesh? torturing as slow
as possible, watching them
bleed to death....."
The voice explained while asking me if I wanted to torture the people who abused me.

"N.... No... You're wrong!! I just want friends!!! I don't want to kill them!!!!!!"
I said to the voice.

"such determination. too
bad it'll only end in
failure. you're an awkward nerd. a complete
The voice said belittling me.

"Sh.... Shut up.... Leave me alone...." (Sobs)
I said to the voice while breaking into tears.

"(annoyed sigh)....
i see you're not
ready to snap just yet...
very well... i'll leave you
alone..... for now....."

"but remember this... your
days of being a whiny kind nerd are numbered. you'll
eventually snap... and when you do, i'll return.... but
until then... keep chasing
after your musical crush...
with you moving all the
time, your relationship
with him is doomed to fail. until then... i'll be waiting inside you.... "

(cold, malicious laughter)...

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