Return to East High

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- Gabriella -

"Really... A toy robot?... So childish......"
As I asked Troy about his toy, he looked at the floor in shame.

"My mom gave that to me... It was the last thing she ever gave me before she passed away."
He explained.

After he explained, I dropped his toy and left his treehouse. I lost interest in the party and I went home.

Being surrounded by a bunch of drunk dumbasses celebrating a basketball team winning isn't my idea of fun.

- Third Person -
The next day at East High, a bunch of horny simps were drooling for Tiara. Wanting to worship the ground she walked on.

It was like most of the dudes who went to the School got turned on by toxic women.

Tiara saw her crush Troy and started walking towards him, but she was stopped by a kid who called himself "Rocket Man."

His real name was Jimmie Zara but he was so stupid, he made it his mission to be known as "Rocket Man, Troy's #1 Fanboy."

Rocket Man has been annoying Tiara over the past couple of years because he had a crush on her.

But every time he attempts to confess his feelings for her, she ends up insulting him.

"Ugh...... What do you want this time, pea brain?"
Tiara asked being annoyed from having to deal with the nuisance again.

"Is that any way to talk to your friend, Rocket Man?"
He asked.

"..... We're not friends, you annoy the shit out of me, and you're FAR beneath my status. Peasants like you shouldn't even be within 5 ft from me. "
After she said that, she pulled out pepper spray and sprayed his eyes.

Rocket Man screamed so loud, everyone in the hallways looked at him and laughed.

"That was for watching me sleep in front of the window at 4am, you're lucky I never called the cops."
Tiara explained.

He screamed.

Tiara kicked him in the crotch, he dropped down in the floor, and he was laying in agony.

After she screamed, she quickly walked away leaving him to suffer in the hallways being laughed at by the audience.

- Drama Class -
Ms.Darbus was teaching class as usual until she told Taylor to make some special announcements as the head of the yearbook commodity.

"Senior trip committee begins tomorrow, which leads to prom committee, this year's theme is "The Last Watlz" but don't be the LAST to pick up your tickets. Graduation Committee begins at monda......

"God, just shut up......"
Gabriella quietly said.

"Excuse me?"
Taylor said.

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!!!!! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!!!! All this "Committee" talk is making me want to join the "Kill Myself Committee."
Gabriella explained

"Gabriella.. I know you're going through shit, but you shouldn't take it out on me."
The annoying nerd said.

"And why shouldn't I? For the months I've known you... You ridiculed me for being with Troy, you set up a camera and tried to make him say bullcrap to piss me off, and you look down on others for not being as smart as you are.... Sometimes.... I wish I could just kill you so you'd stop being so fucking annoying....."
Gabriella said while scratching her desk.

"You want to do what to me?"
Taylor asked.

The pessimist said being pissed off.

A couple minutes of awkward silence later, Ms.Darbus cleared her throat and tried changing the subject.

"Anyways, As you all know, The school musical that we haven't named yet is gonna happen. Seeing that no one has bothered to sign up for it, Kelsi signed up everyone inside this classroom to work on it."
The teacher explained.

Kelsi threw her pencil at the teacher, yelling at her saying
"Stop lying, you know DAMN WELL I'm not willing to put EVERYONE in the musical by my own choice. Do you have ANY idea how much work it is to come up with songs, dance choreography, and background set ideas for EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS CLASSROOM?!!!!"

There were a couple seconds of silence and Kelsi asked

"DO YOU?!!!"

"U.... Uh......"
Ms.Darbus tried saying something, but she couldn't come up with the words.

"This shit was your idea, don't blame all your problems on me. It's your fault for coming up with the idea of EVERYONE in this classroom being in the school musical, not mine."
Kelsi explained.

High School Musical: The Rewritten Trilogyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें