Get Your Head in the Game and Become a Slave

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- The Next Day -
My day went on as usual until I was playing basketball after school with the rest of the Wildcats as usual..

That was until I had a conversation with Chad.

I tried telling him I was slightly interested into auditioning in the school musical called Twinkle Town.

He gave me a really cold, judgmental look and he asked me "Really bro?.... You're gay now?"

"No, I'm not gay. I just wanna try something new."
I said hoping he'd understand, but sadly he only got more annoyed.

"You're pissing me off, bro. You're a basketball player, not a pop star. Stay in your lane, bro."
He told me with a condescending tone.

I tried reasoning with him.

Chad screamed.

"Could you stop saying bro all the time?... I'm trying to have a serious conversation and you're being a clown..."
I said being sick of his goofy bullshit.

Chad screamed at the top of his lungs being pissed off. The vains grew on his head as his anger was rising.

"(Sigh).... I never said I was better than you... I just asked you to stop saying bro all the time... You sound like an egotistical douchebag on Twitter... said it's annoying..."
I asked roasting him.

I watched as he growled while the vains on his head grew even more. It was comical. He looked like a goofy cartoon character.

"Alright bro. that's it!!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!"
He yelled as he and the rest of the wildcats charged at me.

I tried running away but they grabbed my arms and Chad punched me hard on the face. The punch was so hard, I ended up spitting out some of my teeth.

"Really?..... This is how you solve your problems? You throw tantrums like a pissed off toddler?!!"
I asked.

He got so pissed off, he threw his basketball hard at my face. Punched me in the stomach, and I threw up on him.

As I threw up on him, the rest of the basketball team laughed at the embarrassment, and he got even more angry.

He grabbed my neck with his right hand and started choking me. As he was choking me with his meaty disgusting hands. I was gasping for air.

"You're so fucking pathetic.... You're a basketball player... nothing more... stop
pretending to have any
other talents. you're
embarrassing yourself."
Chad said as he was choking me.

"Get your head in the game."
The rest of the team coldly said in unison. As if being in the basketball team was like being in a cult.

When you think about it, it really was like being in a cult.

You're expected to blindly follow whatever the team says, you can't have any opinions that go against the team, and you can't do anything that would even imply disgracing the them.

God forbid you want to do something else besides playing basketball all fday.

"I.... I can't..... Breathe...."
I said having my vision fade away.

"Good. Losers who sing Ariana Grande songs like you don't deserve to breathe.
After a couple ofminutes, I blacked out.

A couple hours later, I was woke up being tied to a chair with rope being inside a cold, dark room.

They woke me up by hitting my head with a lamp.

"Did you have a good nap? Did you enjoy nearly getting choked to death?... No? Well too bad. This is what happens when you think you can sing like Ariana Grande, embarrassing all of us."

Chad said as he holding a wet cloth.

He then kicked my body so hard, it fell backwards into the floor and they put the cloth on my face while the rest of the team poured water out of a gigantic water bottle.

I tried screaming through the water going down my throat.

Chad then stomped my stomach and the rest of the team once again told me
"Get your head in the game" all in unison.

I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Don't bother. We're inside a place that nobody can find. Not even the F.B.I could us down. Even if they could, we'd just kill em.. They wouldn't live to tell anyone about it."
Chad explained why my pleas for help was pointless.

"You're precious coach dad isn't gonna save you this time."
Chad told me as he kicked my leg so hard, it broke.

"Get your head in the game."
The team said their cult catchphrase in unison.

"Don't... Insult.... My dad..."
I slowly said attempting to threaten them.

Chad stomped the side of my head, pointed a gun at me, and told me
"You don't like me insulting your man-child dad who's living vicariously through you?" As he loaded his pistol and pointed it at me.

"What the fuck are you gonna do about it?"
He asked.

As I was screaming out of frustration, Chad shot me multiple times in the torso. Causing me to cough up blood.

"Just kill me already..."
I said wanting the sweet release of death.

"Yeah.. That's right, bro.. Beg me to stop. Beg me to give you merc..... Wait.. What?"
As he was gloating over his victory.. His tiny brain finally processed what I said to him and he got confused.

"You heard what I said... Kill me... I don't fucking care anymore.... I've got nothing to live for, the only girl I loved turned into a psychotic murderer because she couldn't take living in this God-awful planet, I get ridiculed by you guys because I wanna sing in a musical.... I just can't take it anymore... Kill me..."
I said giving up on life.

"As you wish."
Chad said as he pointed the gun to my head.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the cops came, shot all of the Wildcats in non-lethal places there bodies, and the released me from my bondage.

"You didn't hesitate this time? Good. You're a fast learner rookie."
The cop said to the other cop.

"I don't know man, it still feels wrong to shoot people just because I don't like them. I'm not sure I could casually shoot people to death like you do."
The rookie cop said.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it, just think of them like worthless pieces of shit in the street, it'll ease your mind."
The cop said to the rookie.

They tried asking if I was ok, but I was completely silent.

I wasn't near being ok, I was mentally broken.

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