Horrible Advice

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- Troy -
After working for 15 hours straight, i decided i couldn't take it anymore.

I went home to ask my dad for some advice. When i asked him on wither or not i should quit my job, he told me

"You can't quit your job, you have to think about your future, when you grduate, ton of people are gonna be working towards the same goal as you. And when you quit your job, hanging with that little nerdy piss ant girlfriend of yours. You're gonna regret it when you're older."

I looked at him with a judgemental look on my face and i asked him
"So you want me to not only keep working 15 hours a day, but you also want me to abandon my friends just so you could live vicarously through me?"

After i asked him that, he violently pushed me into living room and my body landed agaisnt the glass table, completely breaking it.

"Don't fucking question me, boy. Your mother may have brought you into the world, but I'm willing to take you out.... You are a basketball player, nothing else."
After he told me that, he left and i got up, went to my room, and slept on my bed.

- The Next Day -
I woke up in my bed, thinking over the events of last night.

After thinking it over, my dad was right, i was too busy wanting to goof off, not thinking about the future.

Well no more.

Looks, money, and status.
Without any of those things you'll never make it in the world.

From now on.
I'll have to do everything i can to increase those 3 things for myself.

I got out of my bed, put on a sterotypical a jock jacket, white douchebag pants, sunglasses, and Jordans shoes.

After getting dressed, i went outside my room, my dad tried apoligizing to me about last night, i flipped him off with my middle finger, and i slammed the door leaving the house.

I went inside my truck and drove to work.

I went straight to Tiara to use her status to put me on a higher place in society's status structure.

We played golf, ate fancy food the peasants could only dream of eating, and i "presuaded" her to increase my status by having sex with her in public bathrooms.

- A Couple Days Later -

So apparently.... I've been
"Acting like an annoying gold digging asshole"


I've "Abandoned my friends."

You're probably wondering what happened, so here's how it went down.

A couple days after i started using Tiara. My girlfriend Gabriela, Chad, and the rest of my friends told me that i apperently said i was gonna show up to play basketball after work.

When i told them i changed my mind, Gabriella asked me
"What happened to you? You used to be so kind, now you're just some asshole who uses people for money."

Chad joined in saying "Yeah, bro. You don't even care about her, man. You're just using her for money."

I had an annoyed look on my face as I told them "I don't have to listen to this crap, I've got money to make. The more time I'm wasting talking to you peasants, the less I make. Sayonora bitches." While flipping them all off with my middle finger.

"Troy, please....." Gabriella said sobbing as I turned my back on her.

"Don't bother with that gold digging douchebag. He doesn't remember being human."
Chad said comforting her.

After leaving them all. I went straight to Tiara to fuck her brains out to put off some steam.

When I went to where she said to meet me inside the country Club, I saw Kelsi instead of her.

"What the fuck are you doing here, nerd?"

I asked the geeky peasant.

"Hello Troy.... You've changed... You used to be different from the neandrathal cavemen, but now you're just like the rest of them."
She explained.

After I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could tell she was judging me based on the look on her face.

"...... And that's why I'm here... To show you that the whole gold digging douchebag act is doomed to fail."
Kelsi said as she grabbed her phone.

"Exposing you was easy. You
Were so horny you kept fucking your tool where everywhere people couldn't see you. Acting more and more like a douchebag... Annoying as hell..."
She explained her problem with me.

"Luckily for me and everyone else, I have footage of you fucking Tiara. I'll be doing everyone a favor by showing Gabriella you're cheating on her. Maybe then, you'll FINALLY be put in your place and you'll realize
how stupid you've been."

She said showing me the footage of me fucking Tiara.

"Woah, woah, woah... Slow down. Let's not be hasty here.."
I said starting to panic.

"Hasty? Is becoming an asshole who uses women for money, not hasty? Is suddenly deciding abandon your friends, not hasty?...
Don't fucking tell me what to do, you hypocrate."
She said as she sent Gabriella the footage.

"Wh..... (Sobs)... Why are you doing this?...."
I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I'm doing this for your own good. If no one does this, you'd continue to abandon your friends and you'll still be using women for money... That's not the Troy i know. I have to do
this to save you."

After Kelsi explained why she was ruining me, she left.

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