School Auditions

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- The Next Day -
After getting brutally tortured and ridiculed by the people around them, both Troy and Gabriella stupidly decided to audition for the school musical.

Completely throwing away all their senses of logic, and abandoning reason.

Troy still wanted to prove he was more than a basketball slave. Even though whenever he tries to prove it. If ends with nearly endless brutality and torture.

He was mentally broken and he had nothing to live for, so he didn't care if the the people around him shot his ass to death.

And Gabriella could've done the smart thing and not decide not to audition for it, but she's spent 16 years doing the smart thing, and it always ended with her getting crying while getting bullied, beaten, ridiculed, having spit balls thrown at her, and having her face shoved into toilets.

So she decided to become an idiot in the hope at the small chance... She'd make some friends.

As the were waiting for their turn to audition. The other students who auditioned were fucking horrible.

There was a crappy opera stoner, 2 stoners high on weed, and another singer with his magical dog.

The dog was so atrociously bad at singing, Ms.Darbus had to call animal control to lock him up to prevent ear damage happening to anyone else.

A bunch of people in white suits went inside the auditorium and they grabbed the dog against his will and they attempted to drag him to their van.

As they were dragging the dog, the stoner held his head down, clenched his fists, and said
"you stupid fools..... you
have no idea on what hell
awaits you if you don't let scooby go......"

"Shaggy, help!!!!!!"
The dog yelled.

"Oh really?.... What're you gonna do about it?... Smoke some weed in my face?"
The animal control employee asked while laughing.

"I tried to warn you....."
After the stoner said that, he started screaming while charging a ton of energy.

After he was done charging energy, he quickly flew to the employee and punched him so hard, his entire fist with through the employee's chest and shaggy grabbed his beating heart and crushed it.

"What... What the fuck?...."
The other employee asked being in complete shock over the events that were happening.

"And now it's your turn......"
The stoner said.

"No..... W..... Wait......"
The employee attempted to ask for mercy but he was interrupted by the stoner.

"It's too late for apologies."
He said as he bleated blue energy at the employee. Completely burning his upper body off.

The stoner then looked at the last employee and told him to kill himself.

The employee's body started moving on its on and he was asking "What the fuck is going on?.... No.... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

As his body picked his gun out of his pocket and he blew his own head off.

After all of the animal control employees were dealt with, the dog ran towards the stoner and they hugged.

"I'm so glad that's over, let's go get some Scooby Snacks."
The stoner said.

"I can't wait to get high while eating them."
The dog said as they both walked out of the auditorium.


"Well that was weird.. Anyway, that's the end of auditions, you can go home Kel...."
As Ms.Darbus was talking, she was interrupted by Gabriella.

"We would like to audition."
She said as the teacher was glaring it me.

"....... Really?..... The basketball jock wants to audition?...."
The teacher asked.

"Where is this anger coming from? Why are you being so hostile? If he joins the school musical, it'd break the stereotype that jocks are mindless muscle heads, it'd cause more people to watch it, and it'll make it a better experience."
Gabriella explained.

"B..... But he's a jock...."
The teacher tried saying back.

"(Mocking) "B.... But he's a jock...." Really? You're restoring to childish insults?... If you wanna be a childish drama queen, then you should be IN a drama class, not teaching it."
Gabriella said completely roasting her teacher.

Ms.Darbus glared and growled at Gabriella.

"S... Sorry..."
Gabriella apologized, even though she was right.

"Whatever.. Anyways, it's too late, to audition for the musical. Better luck next year."
The teacher said to the both of them.

A tear started going down Gabriella's face and she stuttered saying "B.... But.... I w... Wanted to try something new...."

"Don't care. Try again next year."
Ms.Darbus said as she turned around and left the auditorium.

Gabriella dropped down to the ground crying as Troy hugged her.

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