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As the caveman tried running for his life, I quickly caught up to him so fast, to the point no one could see me running towards him.

I ruthlessly tore his left leg off and he tried crawling away for his life. Only for me to create a sword out of energy and literally stab him in the back.

He cried begging me for mercy, saying "Please don't do this.... PLEASE!!!!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!"


I had a sick, sadistic smile on my face as I told him "Aww.... You don't wanna die, you still want to live a mediocre life where you peak in high school, working at Burger King, while your girlfriend leaves for someone who's better.... Trust me, I'm doing you a favor by killing you. You'd never amount to anything anyway."

After I belittled his pathetic excuse for a life, I made a chainsaw out of energy and I tore his body until it was a bloody, disgusting mess.

He screamed as my chainsaw was tearing his body apart. His screaming annoyed me so much, I had to tear off his neck to get him to shut up. His decapitated head rolled towards my locker.

After I was done with him, I bounced his head like a basketball and the last jock was visually shaking, being too scared to even move.

I threw the head at the last jock, ran too fast for the naked eye to see, and I tore off both of his arms. He screamed as he lost both of his arms in only 5 seconds.

I then used my dark energy to create fire out of my hand, and I burned both of his legs until they were broken, small, burnt crisps. They ended up looking like 2 pieces of fried chicken.

It was almost comical how bad he looked.

He started sobbing on the floor, crying the pathetic mess that he is, begging me to kill him.

"Nah... I won't kill you, I changed my mind..."
I told him.

He asked having a tiny glimmer of hope.

Immediately after I answered, I stomped his head so hard, my shoe went through his entire head and he died.

"well well well, it looks
like the crybaby's
starting to grow up. you're less willing to put up with bullshit now."
I once again heard a voice inside my head.

"Oh look... It's the dark voice in my head again... I wonder what dark, malicious schemes you'll tell me this time..."
I answered to the voice in my head.

"i don't really see the
point in trying to
convince you how cruel the world is, it seems to be
doing a good job at doing
that itself."
The voice explained.

"Can you get to the fucking point? It's been months and my patience is running out.."
I asked getting tired of the voice's cryptic bullshit.

"your soul is so broken and cold... you were once an
innocent little girl
reading manga... but after
getting fuckedover and
over again... you've finally had enough of society's
bullshit. i'm here to give
you a chance to use all of
my power. if we fuse
together, you'll be able to kill every single asshole that fucks you over in
life. what do you say? do you want the power?"
The voice explained while offering for me to fuse with it.

"........ At this point, I don't really care what happens to me... Do whatever you want."
After I answered the voice, I had a giant headache and I screamed in pain.

A ton of dark energy came out of me, causing the lockers and the windows to break. The decorations on the school walls were blown away due to the surge of energy.

My eyes and hair turned white, my clothes turned black, and I ended up having black lips for some reason.

By the time the fusion was done, all of the voices memories were in my head...

Every single horrible experience I've been through was rushing inside my head. It was the darkness I was ignoring.

It was so ignored, to the point it named itself Nyx.

I was so fucking stupid to think I'd ever get to be a normal girl.

The world is a cold, ruthless place. It's A dog eat dog world. Kind over-emotional kind puppies aren't gonna cut it.

High School Musical: The Rewritten TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now