Lava Spring Country Club

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- Troy -
After talking with Gabriella, I drove to my house, invited my friends to celebrate the end of the school year with me, and I heard my phone ringing.

I asked greeting the strange voice.

"Hello Mr.Bolton. This is Thomas Fulton. I'm calling you because I have a position for you at the Lava Spring Country Club."
He answered.

"Wait, wait. Hold up.. How did you get my number?"
I asked him.


"Don't worry about the details. The less you know, the better. heheheheheh....."
He answered as he creeped me out.

I asked being scared for my life.

"Alright, listen you little runt. Stop asking stupid questions and answer me. Do you want the job or not?"
He rudely asked.

"You can't talk to me like that! You're supposed to be professional!!!"
I yelled.

"I can talk to you any goddamn way I want, you need money and you're just a tiny bug who's willing to lick my boots whenever I want. You know what? Fuck what I asked before. We already know the answer. You'll come to me just like all the other worthless bugs...."
He explained why he could be an asshole and not get fired.

"WOW, you're an asshole.... Fine... I'll accept your offer. But only in 1 condition.. You give all of my friends jobs as well."
I said to the corporate asshole behind the phone.

"(Sighs and whispers)..... All of his friends?... Jesus fucking Christ...."

Even though he was whispering I could still hear him behind the phone.

"I'm still waiting for an answer."
I said cutting him off.

"ALRIGHT, FINE!!!! You and you're corporate sheep friends can all take the jobs!!!! FUCK THE ACTUAL ADULTS WORKING THERE!!!! I GUESS I'LL FIRE THEM, JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!"
After he screamed over the phone, He hung up on me.

One of my friends asked who was on the phone and I told him it was some corporate jackass offering me a job.

When I told him that, he got excited, telling me "You need to accept it, bro. You need that paper."

I told him that I'll only join if all of my friends get to join too.

All the Wildcats in my room cheered with joy. And they threw a party in my room. Throwing beer bottles into the air and shitting on the floor.

My dad went into the living room, got pissed off, and he screamed at everyone to get the fuck out of his house.

They completely ignored his screaming until he pulled out his gun and he shot the ceiling as a warning shot.

They quickly left after they heard the gunshot.

- The Next Day -
I invited Chad, the rest of the Wildcats, Gabriella, and Kelsi and we went to the country clubs for the jobs.

The second we entered the front doors... The Wildcats went into the building, they ran towards the women and started groping their breasts.

As Gabriella and I awkwardly stared at the idiotic excuse for a basketball team. Tiara walked towards me and she said "Ah... You're finally here, I'm so glad to see y......."

She instantly stopped after she saw Gabriella next to me. Glaring at her.

"Oh.... You're here too?... I thought you'd be too busy a reading crappy book as you're crying through the pages...."
She said to Gabriella.

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