Teaching The Nerd Bitch a Lesson

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- Gabriella -
As I was crying in the bathroom, I suddenly heard someone kicking down the stalls. With every kick making me more and more scared.

Whoever was kicking the bathroom stalls eventually kicked the one I was inside of. Sharpay was in front of me and she looked really pissed off.

I was visibly shaking with tears in my eyes due to fear.

"So you think you could just pop out of nowhere and steal my place in the school musical?!!!"
She furiously asked screaming.

"(Sob).... I.... I... I'm sor....."
As I was about to apologize, she interrupted me smacking her hand on the stall and telling me

"Sorry's not gonna cut it bitch. It's time someone told you how things work in this school."
She said getting closer to me.

"Eeeek, please don't hurt me!!!"
I yelled begging for mercy.

She grabbed my head and shoved my head hard into the toilet stall, repeatedly banging my head into it over and over again.

Causing it to crack and to my head to bleed from the impact of my head hitting the cracks.

After that she grabbed my hair, dragged me out of the toilet, shoved into the bathroom wall, and she told me

"I love breaking weak, pathetic nerds like you. All of you nerds need to be put in their place, and I'll gladly be the one to do it."

After she told me that, she then used her purse to choke my neck, as I was gasping for air. I scratched Sharpay's face and tried running away.

She had an furious look on her face, I'm willing to bet she's probably thinking

"How DARE that nerdy peasant ruin my beautiful face!!!!!!" or something like that.

She grabbed my ankle and dragged me out of the toilet.

She dragged my body across the dirty bathroom floor, pulled a knife out of her purse and and stabbed me in the leg.

I screamed in agony.


I tried crawling away in fear, causing Sharpay to get even more pissed off. She raised her foot and repeatedly stomped my face over and over again.



I silently cried while holding my broken nose in pain.

"Aww.... What's wrong? Do you not like having your face ruined?...."
As she asked, she got on top of my broken, injured body and she told me...

"Well too fucking bad, you should've thought about that before you scratched my face... NOBODY scratches my perfect face and walks away unscathed."
While putting her knife next to my cheek.

"ᴵ'ᴹ.... ᴵ'ᴹ ˢᴼᴿᴿᵞ ᴼᴷ..... ᴵ ᴺᴱᵛᴱᴿ ᴹᴱᴬᴺᵀ ᵀᴼ ᴴᵁᴿᵀ ᵞᴼᵁᴿ ᶠᴱᴱᴸᴵᴺᴳˢ.... ᴵ'ᴸᴸ ᴸᴱᴬᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴬᴸᴼᴺᴱ, ᵞᴼᵁ ᵂᴼᴺ'ᵀ ᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᵀᴼ ᴾᵁᵀ ᵁᴾ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᴹᴱ ᴬᴺᵞᴹᴼᴿᴱ."
I weakly said as I was crying from fear.

"We've been over this, sorry's not good enough for the shit you've done, you should've
never tried to steal my

As Sharpay was saying that, she lowered her knife to my pants and she started cutting them off.

"(Sobs).... ᴺᴼ..... ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ..... ᴵ'ᴹ ᴮᴱᴳᴳᴵᴺᴳ ᵞᴼᵁ ᵀᴼ ˢᵀᴼᴾ...."
As I was crying, Sharpay completely ignored my pleas for mercy, called her brother, and he went inside the bathroom,

"You have to be taught a lesson."
She coldly stared at me with zero sympathy.

"ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ... ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ... ᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᴬ ᴴᴱᴬᴿᵀ......"
I made one last cry for mercy while crying my eyes out.

"Years of my parents making me their perfect child has caused my heart to be shut down, it's way too late for forgiveness."
She said with the coldest look I've ever seen in my life.

"Ryan... You know what to do."
She told her brother.

He took his pants off, shoved his penis into me, and....

He started raping me...

"(Sobs)...... ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ ᴰᴼ ᵀᴴᴵˢ.... ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ....."
As I was crying, both of the siblings completely ignored me.

Ryan repeatedly penetrated my body until my vagina was bleeding.

Once he came into me, he turned me around and I was laying on the floor. He then shoved his dick into my anus and started fucking my ass.

It went on for 2 hours straight.

At this point, I was a broken, injured, mess crying on the floor, I was completely silent for those 2 hours.

Once he was finally done raping me, both him and Sharpay looked down on my broken body, and Sharpay told me

"Don't fuck with me again, next time it'll be much worse."
And she left the bathroom with her brother.

As I was crying on the floor, I wondered why it always ends up like this every time I move out with my parents.


Why can't I just have a normal life?......

Why does everyone else get to have a normal life
Where they're surrounded by so many friends and I'm the weirdo nerd girl who's always alone?....

It's just not fair.......

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