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The day after Gabriella lost control of herself.
Things returned back to normal, besides the fact that the socially awkward nerd couldn't remember anything after nearly getting killed by Sharpay.

When Taylor tried asking her about it, her curiosity ended in failure. Since according to Gabriella, everything that happened was a giant blank, all she remembered was nearly dying and waking up in a school hospital.

Troy was still playing basketball with the Wildcats and they were still screaming the words "WHAT TEAM?! WILDCATS!!! WHAT TEAM?!! WILDCATS!!!! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!!!!"

Meanwhile, Both Taylor and Chad decided to team up to make both Troy and Gabriella hate each other.

They got the Wildcats to set up a hidden camera on a laptop to provoke the #1 basketball player into saying she's not important.

After they were done setting up the plan, Chad make a Charlie's Angels joke and Taylor asks him if he was coming out of the closet.

He got so pissed off to the point he punched her in the face, and he left saying the words "Shut the fuck up, bro!!!! Just set up the camera!!!!!"

- Gabriella -
After another day of school, I was about to go home for the day. Only to be interrupted by the math club, with Taylor telling me "Troy isn't good enough for you."

"Really? He's not good enough for me? What are you? My mom?"
I asked her.

She then picked up a stick, smacked it on the drawing board and told me "This is serious!!! People like him are worthless.... They're Neanderthal cavemen who ridicule and abuse people they deem "losers"

I got up from my chair and told her "This is ridiculous, I don't have time to listen to your stupid, judgement stereotypes. I've got more important shit to d....."

Just as I was about to leave, Taylor grabbed my arm, forced me to sit down and watch a live recording with Troy inside it.

At first I smiled seeing my boyfriend's face. Just looking at him cheers me up. But my smile faded as soon as he started talking.

"Look guys.... Gabriella is just a thot, she's just a random piece of meat. I'll hit it, quit it and throw her away like rotten peaches after I'm done fucking the fruit in the ass. She doesn't matter."
Troy said.

"Yeah, bro!!!!! Gabriella sucks, and not in the good way either. She's a nerd!!! I'm glad to see you've finally come to the light!!!!
Chad said in the background.

You may be asking, how did you recognize Chad's voice through the camera?...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize an annoying egotistical douchebag voice. He's easily one of the dumbest people in the school.

The fact that he made it past 2nd grade is ASTOUNDING!!!!!!

Troy then took his shirt off and told the team "I'M ONE OF YOU GUYS NOW!!!!!!!! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

While the other members of the wildcats poured Gatorade on him.

I quickly closed the laptop, started having tears in my eyes, and I ran away crying.

I...... it happened again.....

I got close to someone.... Only for it to end in failure.

Just as I was about to drop to the floor crying. The #1 Neanderthal caveman decided to show up.

"Sup, Gabri......."
He tried saying to me before I interrupted him.

"Shut up...."
I quietly told him.

He asked.

I turned around, slapped him in the face, and screamed "FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING JOCK ON THE PLANET!!!!!!"

"What're you talking about?!!! Where is this coming from?!!!!"
He yelled asking.

"Stop playing dumb, you simpleton!!!! You knew what you did!!!!"
I answered back.

"Look. Whatever I did, I'm sorr......"
As he was trying to give me a fake apology, I punched him so hard, he ended up getting a black eye.

"Fuck this.... We're done. Whatever relationship we had is over. Goodbye Troy."
I said as I was starting to walk away.

As I was walking away, he was laying on the floor, crying, begging me not to leave.

It was pathetic.... But sweet. I decided to change my mind about breaking up with him, but I still told him we needed a break from each other.

High School Musical: The Rewritten TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now