Ghostly Battle

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Sigyn spent the next week staying away from Uhtred and his men. Bloodhairs arrival was adding to an already hostile environment and keeping Ragnar happy didn't get her any closer to Skade. One morning she had finally convinced Ragnar to let her go and visit Skade but before she could enter the room she heard her speaking to Uhtred, attempting to seduce him with the promise of her powers and it didn't seem to be working until Bloodhair made an appearance. Another dick measuring contest ensued as Uhtred kissed Skade in front of Bloodhair. She was about to draw her own sword and put an end to things when she heard the loud voice of Finan in the distance. Quickly putting her sword back into the sheath, she angrily walked through the camp in search of ale.

She ended up at Brida and Cnut's table, always feeling like she was intruding on her she offered an apologetic smile before filling her chalice. Her eyes then fell on a Saxon who sat at their table with a cloak on, admiring her and when she finished drinking she pointed over to him. "Who is the weasel?"

"Weasel? I am the true heir of Wessex. My uncle stole my birth right." Even his voice annoyed her. He was clearly here to sell out his uncle and hope to gain something in return from the Danes. He was playing with fire.

"When do we ride Brida. I am desperate to kill something." The two women shared a smile, they were born warriors and hated sitting idle for too long.

"We wait for Ragnar to manage to unite Bloodhair and Cnut's tribe. We will stand tall against the Saxon turds." Brida smiled, hitting her cup against Cnut's as if there was a silent toast between them and already this idea sounded like it would go terribly wrong.

Thankfully in the growing weeks, the lack of pregnancy had worked in Sigyn's favour. Ragnar had started sleeping with other women again in the hopes to have his heirs. Cnut very clearly chased after Brida but everyone knew where her heart laid.

"I will wait for the day." Sigyn filled her cup once more before leaving the table, she ended up right by Finan, Osferth and Sihtric. "Could the gods not grant me peace for one day?"

Finan was about to speak but Sihtric seemed to shock them all by stepping in front of him, holding out his hand to silence the boisterous Irishman. "I wanted to apologise. I did not mean to spy on you that night. I knew Uhtred wanted me to keep an eye on the camp. It was wrong place, wrong time."

Her eyes narrowed at him for a moment, trying to see any trace of dishonesty but when she didn't see any she shrugged her shoulders at his apology. Deciding to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't really. "What is the plan with Skade?" She was tired of treading water, if she was going to drown she might as well do it now.

"To remove the curse." The monk spoke plainly, his hands resting in each other as he looked over at her. Finan had never stopped staring at her since his arrival. Hopefully his little crush would end soon.

"And do you know how to do that?" She was not leaning against the table as she finished her glass of ale. "You know you cannot kill her right? The curse will continue."

Her words seemed to strike a little fear in the groups eyes. Especially Sihtric. He was obviously the superstitious one. "How do you know that?"

"I was raised by Danes. I have known Skade for years. I know how this magic works. Death does not stop the curse. It can be removed by her, if she so wishes." If only Sigyn could get a moment alone with her sister she would beg her to remove the curse before anything bad could happen and she was blamed for it.

"His lady wife has already died because of this." Finan spoke now. This wasn't good. They already blamed her for that, then of course Uhtred arrived here half dead so they would blame her magic for that too.

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