Seven Kings Must Die

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A few more days had passed since Sihtric had informed Sigyn about Ingrith and the dreams she was having. The last two nights have been tough on Sigyn, she had been seeing Skade again. Her younger sister warning her about all of the death that was about to come, to send her children away from Bebbanburg for some reason. Thankfully, Gunnar and Astrid were already away from these cursed walls. But Osferth, Helga and Arne had lived peacefully between these walls all of their lives. All Sigyn saw in her dreams were blood, death and war and Skade begged her sister to take the children and leave. But Sigyn couldn't leave Sihtric, her heart couldn't handle being apart from him again.

It was past midnight when Sigyn awoke with another terrible dream, she noticed how peacefully Sihtric had slept beside her, so she climbed from the bed and pulled on one of her robes before leaving their house. There was a cool chill in the night air and in the distance, she could see Ingrith. She was clearly haunted by her dreams still and was seeking comfort of her own. Ingrith was in a slight daze when Sigyn had approached her. Her skin freezing cold to the touch so Sigyn removed her own robe and draped it around her friends' shoulders, the gesture seemingly bringing her out of her thoughts.

"What do your dreams show you?" Sigyn asked curiously, her arms cuddling her form as she tried to keep herself warm against the chill.

"Seven Kings must die. And the woman you love. I see death, and always those words. I do not know what they mean." Ingrith spoke in riddles, like Skade did with her visions and now Sigyn knew this was a warning.

"I am sending my children to stay with Gunnar. I believe something is coming. Something horrible. But we need to return to our husbands. Enjoy the last bit of peace." Sigyn helped Ingrith walk back to her home, before she returned home to Sihtric who was now awake from the sound of the door. His axe in hand, forever the warrior and ready for a fight he quickly pinned his wife against the wall, dropping her quickly when he realised, she wasn't a threat. She wasn't an enemy.

"My love, I could have killed you." She laughed softly, pulling the axe from his hand and dropping it onto the ground before attempting to distract him with a hungry kiss. Her hands trailing through his long hair, but he gripped her cold shoulders, pulling her back slowly. "What troubles you?"

"I saw Skade again. She delivers a warning to me about our children. I want to send them away for a while." He frowned a little, but he saw the worry on her face and simply nodded his head. If this would give her a little peace of mind, then so be it. "Something bad is coming, my love. I feel it."

"They will leave at daybreak, if this eases your worry." His right hand gently caressed her face, pulling her closer for one more kiss before he led her back to their bed. "You need your rest. I'll watch over you."

When they climbed back into their bed, his strong arms wrapped around her, and he held her body against his side so she could fall asleep. Protected in his embrace and relaxing from his warmth. This time, Skade didn't return to her dreams. Sihtric let her sleep until the birds sang their morning song and the sun started to rise. He woke her up with a gentle kiss against her head. They would send the children away today.

Of course, Osferth didn't understand why his parents would send him away. He was a skilled fighter; he could protect himself and his family but the thought of losing another child was enough to make Sigyn's heart break. She couldn't lose another child. She refused to lose another.

"My son, we are doing this to protect you. You can protect your younger siblings while we figure out what all of this means. We will come back for you, I promise." Sigyn smiled proudly at her son, her forehead resting against his own. Physical touch was definitely her love language. "Stay safe, all of you. I love you." She hugged and kissed each of her children, Sihtric repeating the same action before the children climbed onto the cart with their belongings and Osferth had ordered the horses to leave. The children would be safe. From whatever was about to happen.

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