Warriors Children

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(Authors note: Will feature a bit of a time jump. Set between seasons 4 and 5.)

The next few days were a struggle. Not caring for the babe, he was perfect. But moving around was tough. Her body still ached and she had experienced some bleeding since. She refused a wet nurse, wanting to nurse the babe by herself and she would only accept help from the people who had helped her bring him into the world.

Her heavy eyes were fighting to stay awake, smiling to herself as she watched her husband holding their new born by the fire and speaking to him in soft whispers. He was the best father already.

"What about Gunnar?" Sihtric asked knowing she was watching them instead of sleeping like he had asked her to. They were struggling to pick a name but something about this name seemed to stick. Gunnar Sihtricson.

"Our little soldier." She whispered softly; the name was perfect. For their little fighter who against all odds had been born healthy. "We will properly introduce him tomorrow." Of course, Uhtred, Finan and Osferth had seen the child. But they were yet to hold him. The child would know how lucky he was to have such a family. A family that would die for him in a heartbeat.

"Uhtred said he has some news for us anyway. He was just letting us have time to be new parents." Usually if Uhtred had news, it meant he would be separating them, or they would be leaving Winchester. She would rather stay with her husband, so if moving is what they had to do then so be it.

"Come, you need your rest too. Every time he whines, you are awake too." It was true, Sihtric was up every hour with the babe like she was. He did most things for her, but when the babe was hungry, he was all hers.

He placed the sleeping babe in his crib carefully, making sure not to disturb his sleep before he removed his boots and shirt. Sigyn's eyes already taking in his perfect frame as he chuckled and laid beside her in just his breeches.

"You always look at me like I'm your next meal." He smirked, placing a kiss against the top of her head and the pair soon fell asleep in each other's arms. Only waking up when the babe needed feeding or changing.

When the next morning came around, the babe had only cried during the night twice. He really was a perfect child. Sihtric had changed Gunnar while Sigyn got herself ready to meet with the guys. She wore a blue dress that she could move easily in and then held the babe in her arms as Sihtric got himself ready.

They were meeting outside the tavern, it was midday, so it was pretty quiet thankfully. Finan was however already nursing a pint of ale.

"So, who wants to hold Gunnar first?" She smiled as they were all fighting. But Finan was a brute and pushed in front of the other two and honestly, he was the one who had cared for her like an older brother so she was glad he would be the first one to hold him. The babe looked truly tiny in his strong arms, but she smiled seeing how his face instantly softened as he looked at the child. "You're lucky he sleeps; I do believe your face would make him cry."

"It's enough to make most women cry." Osferth joined in as he peered over Finan's shoulder to watch the sleeping babe. "Does he sleep a lot?"

"New babes sleep, eat and shit. Not always in that order." Uhtred spoke with a grin as he glanced over at the new parents. The love between them having grown since they had first admitted their feelings. "I have a question for you both."

Before he could ask it, Sigyn was watching two women trying to train with a sword and their technique would instantly get them killed. The warrior and teacher in her already leading her over to them. Within five minutes under her instruction they had already learned to block more efficiently and where to strike their weak opponent. Sihtric watched her in awe.

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