XLIV | Jason x Reader

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This is before The Lost Hero btw.
Your POV


He'd just left the Senate house, which explained his drawn and weary face.

"Hey," he let out a weary sigh as he sat down next to you.

"What did Augur Boy want this time? "

He ran his hand over his face.

"He says he got a vision of rogue demigods outside of New Rome. He wanted a quest to hunt them down. Reyna said no, and I said no, but he started to give reasons and he was getting the Centurions onto his side, and-"

He stopped himself and let out a bark of laughter.

"What a horrible companion I am, burdening you with my petty thoughts. Let's talk about more pleasant things, Y/N. "

"You know you can talk to me about whatever you want, Jase," you smiled.

"I know, but right now, I really wanna do something fun,"

You bit your lip, thinking.

"Can we bake?"

Jason let out a groan.

"Please no, "

You gave him puppy eyes.

"But I want to! Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top? "

He gave you Puss in Boots eyes.

"I don't wanna! I suck! Pwease? "

You had an intense battle of wills before he sighed and said,

"Fine. But one of these days, I am so gonna get you back for this. "

You grinned and pecked him on the nose.

"Yay! Let's make chocolate cake! "

He hid yet another groan in a cough as you walked into the kitchen.

Everyone in the room took one look at Jason and made excuses to leave.

"Oh, come on! " Jason threw his hands up in exasperation. "I didn't do anything that bad! "

You threw your head back and laughed. "You filled the place with flour and blew up the oven! "

"I did say I suck at anything to do with food. Other than eating it! "

"I wonder how you manage yo stay fit. You eat like a faun! "

"Yeah, yeah. So what are we making? "

You flipped through the recipes.

"You can't possibly mess up chocolate cake, right? "

He shrugged.

"You said that about our shortcake last time. Look what happened. "

You rolled your eyes and started taking out the ingredients. You were doing fine, until you realised the sugar was on the too shelf.

Technically, it shouldn't have been called a top shelf. It was 2 stories from the ground so the fauns couldn't get it and get more hyper. You let out a frustrated groan as you tried to stretch your fingers. Being 5', it was a lost cause from the start.

You felt the air shift as Jason flew up and grabbed the large sack.

He landed gently and held the sack out to you. You gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Jase. " You reached out to take the bag, but Jason flew a little out of reach. You jumped, and he flew even higher.

"Jason Grace! Get down here and give me the sugar! "

He laughed as he saw that you were literally hopping mad.

Several things happened. The sugar slipped out of Jason's hands and onto the knob that controlled the water in the sink. A jet of water hit the spatula in the sink and caused a block of half-melted butter into the mixing bowl you had set up. And the mixing bowl flew backwards and knocked over the-you guessed it- flour.

Right into your face and just about the entire kitchen.

"GRACE!!!! " you screamed.

Jason landed on a windowsill.

"Oops? "

Ok... Um... Hope you liked this, I thought it was sorta funny to write.

I know I've probably lost a bunch of readers cuz I haven't updated for so long, but thanks to those of you who have kept with me :)

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now