XI | Frank x Reader

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You were sitting alone on the beach after dinner, alone. Suddenly the tide washed in. Great, the one time Percy wasn't around to control the waves, this happens.

"Help me!!! Help!!! " you screamed. You thought of your boyfriend, Frank, and how he'd promised that he'd always be there for you. But he wasn't here, right? That's why you were still drowning in salty waves.

Suddenly, a dolphin swam up to you and you put your hands around its dorsal fin. 

As you crawled onto shore, sputtering, the dolphin turned into Frank. A thought struck you. It was so funny, you laughed so hard you were gasping for breath.

Frank stared incredulously. "What's so funny? "

"B...because instead of a knight in shining armour, I get an extremely hot boyfriend-dolphin. Get it? "

"No. Remind me why I date you. "

"Cuz I'm hilarious-"

"Yeah right, " he snorted.

"And awesome-"

"Uh huh. "

"And I get you out of trouble. "

"Isn't it the other way round? " he asked.

"Way to be supportive, boyfriend. " you said, pretending to be hurt.

"I'm sorry. I take it back. "

"That doesn't cut it. "

"What about this? " He leaned in and kissed you.

"Okay. I'll forgive you. " you smiled and kissed him again.

Help me!!! I have NO idea what to write.

Just kidding. I've got a few more ideas. Next one's Octavian. My friend requested. I'm not really sure how, but it'll be him.


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