XXXI | Jason x Reader

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You were fighting a gryphon when it suddenly picked you off the deck of the Argo 2 and dropped you overboard into thin air.

Your boyfriend, Jason, was on the opposite side of the ship, trying to fend off two hellhounds that had somehow gotten on.

You screamed as the wind ripped at your hair and you fell through the air.

Your life flashed before your eyes. You thought of when you had shoved a cake into your nose on accident. You thought of the first kiss you and Jason had shared. The times you sat on the hill talking about small insignificant things.

The ground seemed to grow closer. Suddenly, you seemed to stop falling. A pair of arms were wrapped around your waist, and you turned around to see a bruised and bloody Jason.

You kissed him and was about to say something when hos eyes rolled into the back of your head and you resumed falling. You crashed into the ground, dead.

Then you woke up to find that you were curled on the ground after falling from a tree. Jason was alive, but there were laistrygonians all around. They picked the two of you up and threw you into the air. Jason was too shocked to do anything. You landed on the ground with a loud crack.

This time, you woke up shaking and sweating on your bed next to Jason. It was just a nightmare. He held you tightly as you sobbed into his shoulder. His repeated questions of "are you ok? " and "what's wrong? " we're answered with a soft, "Don't ever let me fall. "

Omg, this was suckish. Anyone catch the Inception concept?

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