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It's a Friday, So Ntando suggested that we have a chillas with our other friends. Two of our friends stay in another campus so we gonna have to use the school bus to get there. They all didn't have classes today, it was just me. I went to my last class, to my surprise, we were writing a test.

After my class, I called Ntando to ask where she is and she said I'll find her with the gents. I went to grab a snack at the cafeteria, withdrew Some cash then went to the parking, so I could use a bus to go that side.

I was busy on my phone, but I saw a girl walk past me, she was wearing a Rainbow bracelet and she seemed not to notice me, not that I wanted her to notice me though. I was walking behind her and she was walking pretty fast nonetheless, I continued using my phone, minded my business and walked to the buses. Before I knew it, I bumped into someone and it was the girl from earlier. I quickly apologized and she just smiled and nodded, she just answered in a low tone saying "it's okay" then she walked away to the other bus and i entered my bus. We weren't going to the same campus. I inserted my airpods as the bus took off. I got to the other campus and the gents were already waiting for me. We went to the stores to get some stuff we'll be needing.

Sorry let me formally introduce my gents. They are all studs.

NtandokaYesu Mkhize Is my best friend, she is the same age as me. She is from the Eastern Cape. I always used to tease her about how wierd her full name is and we'd laugh about it. Ntando is a player, she is a womanizer and she's proud about it. Her favourite words are "with so many beautiful women in this world, and you wanna limit me to Only one? I just wanna appreciate all these women's beauty" :) yeah she's crazy like that. She meets a new girl each week. When she introduces one of her friends to us we just play along and pretend as if there aren't others.

Then there's Bokang Mosala, She is the most calmest amongst us, light skinned, and always attracts the psycho's. Bokang always falls for the crazy one. I remember this one time when she was found cheating, her girl almost burned all her clothes if it wasn't for Ntando and our other friend, we would be doing some serious damage control. but nonetheless Bokang is like our bigger sister/brother. She is the most responsible one although her and weed can never be separated.

The last one is Enzokuhle Mhlongo. We Call her Enzo. An entertainer, a comedian, she never takes anything serious. You never get bored when you're around her . she is madly in love with some girl.

You will get to know more about them when the story goes on.


I am Ayanda Mkhabela, I Am 19 years old and I'm currently doing my first year at the university of Johannesburg. I'm originally from Soweto eZola. I am studying Law. I know that's crazy right but I've always wanted to become a lawyer and even with my dad being a lawyer, he used to tell me great stories about Law and that just pushed me even harder. Although he's no more, his legacy still lives. He Once Represented The Famous Drug Lord and He won the case. He stood up for murderers, gangsters and even corrupt politicians, I think that's one of the reasons why he was killed. He died 3 years ago but it still breaks me, I mean no one can overcome the pain of losing a parent more especially a legend like my father. He inspired me in so many ways. Even when I came out to my family about my sexuality, he was the only one who understood the kind of Feelings I had. My Mom was just so homophobic about it but my dad talked to her and she slowly Understood. Although she still throws homophobic comments there and there but I'm just glad that she accepted me just as I am. I have a brother who's 24 years old, he just got engaged and lives with his fiancé, back then he used to be the black sheep of the family but he's all grown up now and I must say him and I get along although we used to fight a lot when we were growing up but I think now it's better cause he doesn't stay at home anymore so whenever i get home to visit he's never there. I sometimes miss him but he sometimes annoys the hell out of me. Lol look at me talking a lot about my family when I should be talking about me. But nonetheless you'll know more about my character as the story goes on.

I was on my way to the bus parking at the campus after a long day when someone bumped into me , I looked back and saw a stud, i just liked her outfit.

Her: "I'm sorry"

I just smiled and nodded.

Me:"it's okay"

I just walked to my bus

Although a part of me wanted to tell her to watch her way but I chose not to. I got to the campus then went home. I had a long day so I was pretty much tired the next day, I decided to spend my time at the Library. I haven't made friends so I guess it's just gonna be me and My books.


It's Monday morning and I have an early class, the gents and I had a great weekend, we drank alcohol, smoked some hubby and had a great time the entire weekend and now I have to deal with a terrible hangover, even a part of me is thinking of not going to class and another thing is that, I've spent the entire weekend thinking about this girl I've Bumped into on Friday. She has been in my mind ever since and I don't know why., It's Crazy right. I dragged my feet to the shower, took a shower then grabbed my books to go out. I did not have time to eat breakfast and I was feeling like shit, like a car hit my head. I got to class and I'd be lying when I say I concentrated for most of the time because I'd fall asleep there and there. My day was pretty much long and I just couldn't wait to get home. A part of me wanted to meet up with the girl from the bus. But I didn't, which is okay though. Rethabile called me when I was on my way to res.

Me: "baby"

Her: "o sharp? You sound tired"

Me: "I am, I spent the weekend with the gents and we drank like hell"

Her: "Awww must I come there? Are you done with your classes?"

Me: "etla babe, I'm almost there lenna. I just wanna sleep right now and I'm hungry"

Her: "I'm not in the mood to cook so we'll just order in"

When I got to my room,I took a nap, Rethabile knocked when I was probably 10 minutes into it. I went to take a shower while she ordered and after I was done, she gave me her hangover remedy, we ate then had some banging sex afterwards, although I was too tired, I can never be tired For sex :) heeheee

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