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When we Arrived, we were ushered in and was shown to our quarter. It was a three bedroom house with ensuite bathrooms, a very beautiful interior, a fire place, a jacuzzi area, beautiful portraits on the wall, The facility on its own had a lot of things like an open bar, Games Room Where You can play video games, pool table, chess and so many other games, smoking area where you can get to plug your hookah pipe, Gymnasium, inside play area for kids, inside cinema, an inside restaurant and a whole loads of other things. This Place Is Amazing,a beautiful resort indeed. I don't know how Kabelo got to choose this place and it's in the Vaal.

We chose rooms and Fifi and Kabelo were together, Ntsiki with ntando and I shared with Ayanda




It's Monday, oh my and We're going back to campus. I am so tired, we came back yesterday from Vaal, Ayanda and Fifi left yesterday in the afternoon and the good news is that Ayanda and I are back together. Although it was difficult for her to reach that decision and I totally understand her reasons,the fact that I'm a well known person with a whole load of girls surrounding me, I mean just yesterday when her and I were walking to the parking area at the resort, two pretty girls came and asked to take pictures with me and they did not acknowledge Ayanda at all, such things make her feel insecure, despite everything else, she has finally agreed to get back together with me. I swear, i am a happy girl right now, her birthday was on Friday, we spent the whole week in Vaal and my it's safe to say that we all had a good time.

A part of me is even glad that my uncle has agreed that Kabelo and I stay in his house in Fourways and keep it occupied until next year. Ayanda called as we were on our way to campus to drop off ntando.

Her: "King Siya"

Me: "Yes baby"

Her: "Did you see the papers I sent you?"

Me: "No, I didn't. I'm driving, I'll check them out when I get home, I'm just dropping off ntando at the campus"

Her: "Okay, sizokhuluma keh"

Me: "Baby Mara, I still need you to help with the moving in"

Her: "Bathong Siya, it's not like you have bought a new house. You and Kabelo just need to unpack your clothes and put them in the closet"

Kabelo chuckled. Wow Ayanda and her smart answers

Me: "Okay Sharp keh baby sizokhuluma"

Zimi has also been calling me nonstop, I had blocked her on all socials, for the past week so that she doesn't disturb and ruin my chances of winning Ayanda back so now I've unblocked her and she's still calling. When I got home, I decided to call her

Me: "Zimkhitha Hi"

Her: "Zimkhitha? What happened to babe?" And why the hell wasn't your phone going through the entire weekend?"

Me: "I've been having some boys time with my friends, are you okay?"

Her: "I'm okay, just missing you"

Me: "oh really? I miss you too babe"

As we were talking, Kabelo budged into my room, I swear, this one is allergic to knocking.

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