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Ayanda's Letter got me thinking, if this is truly what she wants then I should respect her decision and a part of me knew that she is gonna wake up one day and decide that she's fed up with my shit. Kabelo's next plan is what she calls "the story behind the letter" so basically this phase is me going on dates with each individual separately and getting them to tell me how they truly feel about me and why they feel that way, she says it's like an internal analysis on who is really down for me, who's values aligns with mine and whether or not we'll be able to build something together. I wanted to go against this so bad but I also wanna get a piece of Ayanda's mind.

I have a gig tomorrow night so I'm guessing the plan for those dates will have to happen afterwards. It's Friday and I'm writing a Test, I got to campus and later went to class.

After my test, I then went back home because I was having a meeting with the promoters for the upcoming gig. Kabelo called me when I was on my way

Her: "Ntwana, where you at?"

Me: "I'm Driving to home why?"

Her: "Did you see that Ayanda is also on the line up for tomorrow?"

Me: "Fr? Oh flip, I'm not ready to face her"

Her: "We don't have any other choice Siya, don't forget our meeting with Eve, it's at 2pm"

Me: "alright sure"

I swear, Kabelo does her job perfectly as a manager. I got home and found Fifi and Kabelo watching a movie.

Fifi: "Oh hey Siya, you're back? Where the hell have you been?"

Me: "I was out of town but I had a test today so I had to Come back plus I have a gig tomorrow"

Her: "Ohh Alright, nice to see you by the way, it's been long"

I then decided to let them have their quality time and went to my bedroom and did my assignments. Before 2pm, I went to the bathroom and freshened up.


At the backstage, I saw Ayanda talking on the phone. We had an eye-lock but she quickly removed her eyes. After her phone call, I was about to go say hi but Botlhale came before me and kissed Ayanda's cheek. I just decided not to go anymore. Fuck I just hate Botlhale right now, like why she gotta kiss my girl? Oh flip konje she isn't my girl anymore.

I swear, Ayanda is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I watched her play on the decks and dancing, she is a fucking dancing DJ. I found myself laughing after I caught myself thinking about all the memories her and I shared.

The following day Kabelo and Fifi were going out, however they were having arguments because apparently Kabelo was having most girls throwing themselves at her and Fifi gets all insecure about it just like Ayanda, it's clear that these people share the same blood. Okay this is getting wierd, why does everything I see remind me of Ayanda.

I finished off my assignments and later went to bed.

I was woken up by Kabelo calling asking me to open the gate for her cause she forgot her remote and keys in the house. I Opened the gate for them before going downstairs to unlock the door. They told me how their date went and how much they had a great time. It was amazing to hear such beautiful stories. And I'm just glad that Fifi and I are good and there aren't any odd vibes between us since her sister and I are a thing of the past.

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