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After showing Kabelo The Letter, she was so excited saying it's like taking on a challenge. It's crazy how she sees some sort of adventure in this. However she managed to cheer me up and made me feel better than I was feeling before. We went out for paintballing, ziplining, bungee jumping, go karting. I had the most fun, when we came back, we played FIFA, played Snooker, filled our stomachs with lots and lots of food. She made sure I go back to my usual self.

It was just after Kabelo and I had breakfast when I saw that I had a missed call from Ayanda. Shitt! How the hell did I not hear it ring? And she called yesterday night and I was asleep at that time. I tried calling her back but it took me straight to voicemail. Shit shit shit! Now I'm wondering what she wanted to say. I went to Kabelo's room and knocked, yupp you guessed right. Kabelo has gotten so comfortable with being my best friend that she even has a room specifically for her to sleep in whenever she comes to visit and she visits all the time so basically, she stays here.

Her: "Come in"

Me: "Ntwana do you have Fifi's Number? Ayanda called me last night but I was already asleep so I couldn't take the call. I tried calling her but her phone it's off"

Her: "Yeah I do, lemme look for them"

She scrolled through her phone and dialled the numbers on her phone. It rang three times before Fifi answered

Fifi: "Kabelo Hii"

Me: "Hi Fifi It's Siya, Is Ayanda with you? I need to speak to her"

Fifi: "No, Ayanda Went out with Botlhale but I'll tell her you called"

At the sound of Botlhale's name, I clenched my jaws, why does she have to be with her though and to top it off why would she switch off her phone.

Me: "Oh Alright, please tell her to call me back Neh"

Fifi: "I Will and Siya?"

Me: "Yes?"

Her: "Ayanda hasn't been feeling well, you should talk to her"

Me: "Why? What's Wrong?"

Okay now I'm getting worried and I feel bad because I didn't answer her call, what if she really wanted to talk to me about something?

She then hung up and both Kabelo and I looked at each other.

Kabelo: "What do you think is the problem?"

Me: "Beats Me"

Kabelo: "Let's wait for her to switch on her phone then you can call"

Kabelo and I went to sit by the fireplace. I mean it's winter so it's cold. My uncle walked in followed by someone but we couldn't see them properly. Wait?? uncle is with a woman? No don't get me wrong, that's fine, I mean he's old and he can date whoever but he's never bought a woman home because he says his kind of business doesn't allow him to fall for women because it would put those women in danger. But I'm happy. Kabelo both looked at the woman. She was beautiful, she was wearing a nice nude dress that looked Hella expensive, she had nice legs and was very much light skinned.

Uncle: "Oh Honey, meet my kids, this is Siya my niece and her best friend Kabelo, but they both my daughters"

The lady: "for a moment I thought they're boys"

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