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It's three days before I finish writing my exams, Ayanda and I haven't talked since she broke up with me, although I still see her on campus which always becomes awkward because i don't know whether i Should greet her or just pass. Rethabile and I are done for good, what she did is a big deal to me. Ntando and I also haven't talked since this one time after my break up with Ayanda and she came and said "I Heard You And Ayanda Broke Up" I responded to say "You must be happy Neh?" That's when she told me that she really feels bad that she told Ayanda about all the other girls in my life. I'm still mad at her for that, I mean what kind of a friend does that, Ntando has always been a player, fucked most girls on campus but never have I told any of those girls. When I think about it, Ntando Is Actually A Snitch man. Although I sometimes miss her, I always valued our friendship. She was my best friend but she messed up and I'm not ready to forgive her. The gents and I, with Ntando Included Have Been Invited To Themba's Wedding, I honestly don't think I'm gonna go, I mean Ayanda And I aren't on speaking terms, why the hell would I go to her brother's wedding? Plus Ntando And I Aren't Speaking too, I don't want any awkward vibes during the wedding. I walked to class scrolling through the comments of the video I just recently posted on tiktok, I accidentally bumped into someone. Oh great it's Ntando. I just ignored her and was about to into the lecture hall when she grabbed my hand, can she just let me go write my exam in peace

Her: "Hii"

Me: "Sho"

Ntando: "Are You Going To Ayanda's Brother's Wedding?"

Me: "NO,now if you excuse me."

I was ready to walk away when she spoke again

Ntando: "Wait."

Me: "Ufunani Ntando?"

I said that making sure I roll my eyes and she sees it

Her: "I Want Us To Talk, Please Siya"

Me: "Fine, We'll talk After writing"

I then went inside the lecture hall and she followed behind me.

As soon as we were done, I made sure to go out of the exam venue first, to be honest, I was avoiding talking to Ntando but I guess luck wasn't on my side because she managed to catch up with me. We sat on the benches that were near us.

Her: "Ntwana I Truly Wanna Apologize For The way I Acted, I know it wasn't my place to tell Ayanda all those things"

I just kept quiet and let her finish talking

Ntando: Siya Ntwana, you're my best friend and I miss you Dawg And we can't let a girl come between us"

I just chuckled

Me: "Ayanda Is not just A Girl, She Was My Girl and you of all people know how much I was down for her and you are the last person I thought would do this to me because I always trusted you, how do you think we're gonna come back from this? "

Her: "I know it's gonna be difficult but I'd like us to take things one step at a time"

Me: "I can take that"

Her: "That's All I Need"

Me: "Does That Mean? You're over uAyanda?"

Her: "Why Does It Matter, Y'all Broke Up Moss?"

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