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Adira's foot wouldn't stop shaking. Her anxiety was at an all time high. The waiting and worrying was driving her up a wall. All Adira wanted to know was if BK was alive. She wanted to know if her brother, the god father of her baby boys, was alive. That's all she wanted to know. 

She felt a familiar rough hand slide into hers, interlocking their fingers. Ghost kissed the side of her head, "Stop worrying. BK is going to be fine. Absolutely fine. He's my protege. You understand what that means?" When Adira didn't say anything Ghost continued, " Это означает, что он сила, с которой нужно считаться." (That means he's a force to be reckoned with.)

Adira griped onto Ghost's hand as she slowly let out the deep breath. She never took her eyes off the hallway where the doctor is supposed to walk through, "Если он не выберется из-за того стола. Всего этого клуба больше не будет. Ты меня слышишь? Ничего. Я содраю с них шкуру заживо. Один за другим." (If he doesn't make it off that table. That whole club will be no more. Nothing. You hear me? I will skin them all alive. One by fucking one.)

One of the new prospects leaning against the wall shivered at the amount of malice in her voice. Like she truly meant it. What he doesn't know is that she did mean it. Heaven help the Diablo's if the enforcers protege and his old lady's appointed brother, dies. Everyone knows it will be Bonnie and Clyde with Harley Quinn and Joker spin. It will be bloody.

Adira tapped Ghost on his arm when she spotted the doctor assigned to BK's surgery. Ghost nudged Alpha who immediately met the doctor halfway, while Ghost took the time to help Adira stand up. She gripped Ghost's hand as they walked up to the doctor and Alpha, "How is my brother? Is he alive?"

The doctor smiled and held out his hand, "I'm Dr. Smith. Mr. Volkov is very lucky to be alive. He's lost a lot of blood and is currently in a medically induced coma so he can rest and heal."

A huge wave of relief swarmed Adira as she gripped Ghost's hand, "But he's alive right? BK is alive?" The tears that gathered in her eyes fell freely at the nod of confirmation from the doctor. Adira launched herself at the doctor, "Thank you. Thank you so much for saving my brother."

The doctor gently patted Adira on the back, "It's why I became a doctor. Mr. Volkov is in recovery right now, but I can show you the way to his room. Now hospital policy is two visitors at a time but I have a feeling that you bunch are going to ignore that policy."

Alpha clapped the doctor on the shoulder, "Smart boy. I'll try to keep my guys in line and not make a disturbance. Thanks for this doc."

The doctor gave a strained smile, "I can see this young man is very loved. Although, if I may ask, how did he come to have that scar on his face?" The doctor was only curious about it. It broke his heart to see someone as young as his patient is with a scar like that. 

Alpha shrugged his shoulders, "He came to us like that. I asked him about it before and he said he didn't want to talk about it so I never pushed it. When he's ready to tell us we'll listen." 

The doctor nodded and stepped aside gesturing down the hall, "whoever is going to visit him first can follow me. I'll show you to his room. He is resting right now and will be for quite a while due to the anesthesia." Adira was the first to start following the doctor. Following her was Ghost and Alpha. 

Dr. Smith led the three down a hallway, stopping at a door. Adira could see the confusion on his face. She placed a hand on Ghost's arm, alerting him and Alpha to her concern, "Doc is there a problem?

Dr. Smith looked panicked for a moment, "No one else besides me and the head nurse is supposed to be in his room. Everyone of my staff knows this."

Adira didn't hesitate for a second, she tried to open the door while grabbing the hidden gun in Ghost's vest. Ghost grabbed her hand, "No. Take the doctor and go get the club."

Alpha could have sworn there were literal flames dancing in Adira's eyes from how upset she was, "You fell on your fucking head. That's my brother in there."

Ghost nodded, "He's also my protege. I won't let nothing happen to him, but you are carrying our children, protect them while I protect him." She wanted to fight him so bad on this, but she knew he is right. And she hated that she knew he is right. Ghost knew she was still hesitant so he kept talking, "I can't have you in there with our children still cooking. I won't be able to focus knowing all 3 of you are close to danger. Let me handle this."

Adira nodded her head letting out a big sigh, "Fine. I'll go get the club. He better be okay and alive or it will be my fucking turn. Our kids born or not."

Ghost held back a grin, knowing it would piss her off, "Not a hair out of place. Now go. Doc?"

Dr. Smith nodded, "I won't let anything happen to her. Don't worry."

Ghost let out a chuckle, "Oh, I'm not worried about her. Watch out for yourself and stay out of her way. Believe me, my ole lady can take care of herself. Pregnant or not." Alpha chuckled at the look of disbelief that ran across the doctors face. 

Ghost and Alpha watched as the two turned the corner before pulling out there guns and slowly opened the door. They quickly rushed in, guns raised in the air, ready to shoot. "Took y'all long enough to get in here. Don't worry, I got it."

Ghost let out a loud laugh at the sight of BK tending to a nurse who had a gash on her forehead, while a member of El Diablo laid on the hospital floor unconscious and tied up with BK's IV line.

Alpha shook his head, letting out a chuckle, "Are you okay?"

BK nodded his head, "Yeah, I'm fine. Nurse Bridget here tried to help me when she walked in on fuckhead over there trying to put something in my IV. I woke up when he hit her. Can someone get the doctor in here because I don't know anything about stitches."

They laughed at him and Alpha patted Ghost on the shoulder, "Stay with him, I'll go get the doctor and Adira and get the prospects to bring the van around to get this fucker out of here. Keep him the way he is until we can get him out of here. By the way, Bridget, you're ole man is going to be mad that you put yourself in danger." 

Bridget huffed, "He can sit on ice and cool himself down. BK needed help so I helped and got a little scratch."

BK looked between them, "You're an old lady? How come I've never met you?"

Bridget smiled slightly, "I'm Gunner's old lady. Been together for about 5 years. I'm working all the time. Who do think actually runs this hospital? Sure as shit ain't the doctors. You're welcome by the way."

Ghost snorted and nodded at the order Alpha gave, "Got it. BK, you might want to take a seat. Your sister is already pissed off enough."

BK's eyebrows rose and went to say something but quickly sat when he heard his pregnant sisters voice coming down the hall, "GET OUT OF MY WAY. WHERE IS HE?!" 

Adira threw the door open causing a noticeable loud crash as the door hit the wall. She felt the tears well up in her eyes as she saw her brother sitting on the bed. 

BK raised his hand, "Hey sis."

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