26: a day out for the trio

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Wes' pov

I had woken up before Tyler and Ben did, which meant that I was stuck under them until they woke up. Nelson had popped his head around to check on us and laughed when he saw the other two dogpiled on me. I wonder how long it took for him to find us considering the fact that he didn't have a clue on where we were.

Poor him having to deal with Deb whinging in his ears for what might have been hours. Ben was squirming to which I had to chuckle since he's not usually the cuddly type of person. I heard Tyler waking up, so I pat them on the head and watched as they hugged Ben tighter to stop him from squirming around so much. He groaned as he slightly opened his eyes and nearly headbutted Tyler for squeezing him too much.

I held them both gently with a small smile that was barely visible on my lips but was bright and radiant in my eyes. They just smiled and snuggled back into my embrace. I rocked them gently and sat myself up the best I could whilst having both of their weights laying on top of me. Annoyingly enough, we couldn't stay like this forever so I had got them both up and off of me so that we could all go get changed and go on a walk.

We had met up at the park as Ben got changed at his house for some reason. Me and Tyler smiled at him as he walked up to us in a simple yet warm hoodie, jacket, jogging bottoms and trainers. I don't exactly blame him since it was quite cold out. All three of us had walked over to the small café on the outskirts of the park and got a drink or two to keep us warm.

It was quite nice out considering it being quite cold and foggy. Ben had seemed to have perked up and Tyler seems to have livened up, so in my books everything has gone alright and then I had an idea for which Tyler looked at me as if I was crazy.

''oh, heck no Wes why would you even suggest that after Ben could've died there?!'' Tyler asked with bewilderment and Ben chuckled which was a first. I honestly think that with Tyler around everyone will lighten up so this is good progress in the grand scheme of things. Ben looked at Tyler with a small smile and shrugged.

''eh I don't know about you Tyler but I'm perfectly fine with going to the beach tomorrow since it was just one of Deb's random conspiracies to kill one of us, plus at this point I think she'll just stick with trying to fall into Wes' good graces.'' He had replied to them and I slightly nodded agreeing with what Ben said. I had sent a text to everyone in the dorm's group chat saying that we were heading to the beach tomorrow if they wanted to join us and most of the replies were the others saying they would come with us. I had smiled and put my phone away as we all walked to the dormitory.

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