Joao Felix

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8. Buying gifts 

It was your 3rd anniversary with Joao and you finally had time to spend with him. It had felt like you'd been away from him for ages due to him being in London as well as you in Portugal.

"Hi" you smiled as you stretched as you laid beside him.

"Morning my love, happy anniversary" he mumbled as he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder blade.

You sat up, leaning your head on the head board as Joao quickly jumped out of bed to go and grab you something.

"Here" he smiled, passing you a large bunch of red roses.

"Oh wow, these are so beautiful. I love the colour too, thank you so much" you smiled as you laid them down gently on the bed, as you leaned across the bed as you picked up the bag of presents from the floor.

"Happy anniversary" you smiled as you handed him the bag.

"Oh thank you, babe you didn't need to get me anything" you shook your head.

"I had to get you something because you deserve it "you grinned as he pulled open the small box.

"This is so beautiful wow" he whispered as he pulled out the small gold chain from the box.

"You didn't need to, I love it" he leaned in and kissed your lips.

"Turn it over, did you see the engraving?" he turned over the necklace gently as it had a small heart on. "Oh it has our initials on, that is so cute. I feel like I need to do better with presents now" he laughed as he went in for another kiss.

"You don't need to do that, it is perfectly fine" you smiled as you snuggled in bed for the rest of the day.

"Love you" he whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple. 

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