Rodrigo De Paul

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29. Telling your family about him 

You were over at your family home for dinner.

"So, how is your love life?" your grandma asked you, causing you to blush.

"Erm, good" you smiled as everyone eyes widened shocked by this potential revelation.

"Have you got a boyfriend and not told us?" they gasped.

"Maybe" you let out a nervous laugh.

"What? and now you are only telling us, I can't believe this. So, we need details?" you laughed as you grabbed your phone as you knew they would want to see photos of him.

"This is Rodrigo" you showed a cute picture of the pair of you.

They all cooed and awwed at the two of you.

"Thank you, I am happy and that is all that matters" You grinned as she gave you a cuddle.

"I am incredibly happy for you, I won't ask for too many details but as long as you are happy and in a good place that is all that matters" all the girls surround you in a tight squeeze.

"Thank you so much, that means a lot" you smiled.

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