Hector Bellerin

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21. Having a cry 

You were laying on the sofa, watching your favourite tv programme as you cuddled under a blanket with a huge bar of chocolate.

"Amor" he shouted as he came through the house and immediately laying on the sofa with tissues around you.

"What's? you okay?" Hector asked as he crouched down, removing the tissues from you.

"I am so emotional "you muttered as you sat up on the sofa.

"Oh what's up?" he asked as he stood to sit down beside you. "I was watching this again and I just couldn't stop crying." you whispered as you left out a small sob as Hector pouted and kissed the side of your head.

"Sorry" you mumbled against his chest as you left tear stains on his training top.

"Hey, don't say sorry. We need to have a good cry sometimes, are you feeling okay?" he asked you as you gently rubbed your tummy.
"Cramps?" he asked as you nodded.

"That probably explains my emotions. Sorry Hec" you replied as you got comfy on the sofa as he pinched your feet as you leaned them on his lap.

"Don't apologise love, I'll get you a heat pad if you want?" Hector suggested as he stood up and headed to get a heat pad.

"Thanks Hector, do you want to join me on the sofa?" you asked as you patted the space next to you.

"Sure, I'm going to jump in the shower and then I am all yours baby" you nodded as you bit into another piece of chocolate. 

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