Mats Hummels

503 5 2

14. Reading your book 

"What you doing?" Mats asked as you were laying under a blanket as you felt the cold draft coming in from the window.

"Reading" you bluntly replied as you showed him the book.

"You are so into that book" he laughed as he sat on the small empty part of the sofa as he gently kissed your cheek.

"Mm, I am. It is so good, I can't wait for this book to be turned into a movie" you smiled as Mats looked at the front cover.

"Book lovers, sounds pretty boring" he let out a laugh as your brows furrowed as you ignored him, trying to hit him with the book.

"Oh shh you, what are you reading then?" you asked hum as you watched him get up and get to his from his bag.

"This one" he handed it to you.

"Oh even more boring than mine" you handed it straight back to him as it looked so fat and chunky.

"Don't knock it until you try darling" he smirked as he placed it on the table.

"Come on, let's make some tea and we can spend the afternoon reading our books" Mats suggested as you simply nodded, not looking up as you carried on reading your book. 

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