Baby pt. 10 - Hunger Strike

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Cw: intimate whumpers

"Sweetheart," BiBi chided, "please. I really need you to eat your lunch."

Whumpee was staring ahead, listlessly. They had done so since the swaddling incident. They were swaddled, and put to bed once home. Upon waking, they could only look ahead silently. Maybe it was due to the nightmare. Maybe it was their broken spirit.

BiBi and ZaZa agreed that Whumpee could skip breakfast but they had to eat all other meals in hopes that they would be hungry enough by lunchtime. This did not appear to be the case on the outside. In reality, Whumpee was very hungry but stuck in a dissociative state.

Sighing, BiBi walked past ZaZa to the closet. BiBi pulled out the breastfeeding harness and put it on. ZaZa scooped Whumpee up in their arms and carried them to the couch as BiBi attached the bottle to the harness.

At the couch, BiBi got comfortable before Whumpee was placed on their lap and cradled close. Whumpee's expression did not change. The bottle's nipple slid into Whumpee's mouth and instinctively, they began to drink the contents.

BiBi rubbed light circles in Whumpee's back as they crooned their approval. ZaZa held Whumpee's legs at first as a precaution but loosened their grip and massaged Whumpee's legs as the muscles weren't getting much use that day due to the dissociation.

This was off-brand for Whumpee who would be disgusted at the thought of what was occurring at that time. Fighting all forced affection coming their way. This time, they relished in the touch and was comforted by the closeness while eating.

BiBi and ZaZa loved the closeness as well but both recognized this was out of the norm. They fully expected a full tummy to bring Whumpee back to their senses and were both concerned and delighted when the same arrangement occurred that evening. BiBi and ZaZa took turns feeding Whumpee so they each got equal chances to be close with their baby.

As long as they had a good night's sleep, BiBi and ZaZa were sure that Whumpee would come around.

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