The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 2

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*Ciel's POV*

After dealing with those delinquents, who are twitching on the floor, we all were panting as I was trying to calm my breathing. I informed the two that I will tell Riddle what had transpired if they continue to try and pull something on us, which caused the two to freeze up. I hate using Riddle's name for these kinds of reason, but I was just tired of these two annoying delinquents. Just how in the world did these two end up in a dorm filled with rules to begin with is beyond me and I don't have time to think about it. I look at Grim, who was now smiling as he was holding a sandwich in his paws.

"Ha! Guess who scored the last deluxe grilled cheese sandwich? This guy. That's why they call me Grim the Great! Myahahaha! I also snagged a bear claw AND a cronut" Grim gloated as I back handed him

"Yeah and cause us to get into another fight... You really need to think with your head, not with your stomach." I scolded Grim

"Grim, you need to learn some restraint! I'm really sorry, guys." Deuce apologized to the two delinquents as we walked past them.

'Deuce, I'm grateful you are a kind soul despite the two being jerks.' I thought.

"Yo, Pops, gimme one of those roast beef sandwiches." Ace ordered to the ghost

"Hey! You're cutting in line too!" Deuce scolded Ace as I look at him

"Just ignore him, Deuce. He's not gonna care." I rolled my eye as I grabbed a tray

I began to grab my food while also grabbing Grim some since I know just how hungry this monster cat can get. I swear his stomach must be a black hole or something because he gets hungry way too fast. After we got our portions of food on our trays, we headed to a table and sat down. I began to eat as I knew Grim will try to steal my portion but luckily he was too busy gloating that he didn't try anything. The I heard a snap and looked behind me to see a hyena boy panting a bit.

"Rats. Looks like I'm late for the monthly bakery battle royale. And now they're sold out of the grilled cheese Leona sent me to buy for him."

"Myahahaha! I'm gonna savor the flavor of this victory!" Grim gloated as the Hyena boy walks up to him.

"Pardon me, friend. I see you were able to get your hands on the highly-prized deluxe cheese sandwich. Incredible!" The hyena boy congratulated him as I looked confused

'What's he planning?' I thought to myself 

"Hm? Who're you and whaddaya want with my meat?"

'Why did the last part feel so wrong...' I had a sweatdrop form

"Oh, I'm just a guy who really, really wanted to buy that sandwich you've got there, but arrived a smidge too late. Speaking of which, here's a proposition for you... Might you be willing to trade your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?" We all looked at him like he was crazy, after all, what kind of trade is that?!

"Whaaat?! You must be outta your mind, dude!" Grim shouted at him

"Oh, come now. Let's not be like that. Here, have the hot dog bun. I insist." Then, Grim's paws began to hand the boy, which shocked us.

"Myah? What in the name of tuna...?! My paws are movin' on their own!"

"You're actually going to trade?! It doesn't even have a hot dog in it!" I informed Grim but the trade was completed.
"Sounds like we have ourselves a deal! Shyeheehee! What luck that I found a kind soul willing to trade. You enjoy that hot dog bun, I do hope you can find something to fill it with. Maybe a squirt of ketchup would imitate the real thing? Anyway, nice doing business with you. Toodles!"

The boy quickly leaves before any of us could say anything, but as I looked closer, he had a relieved look on his face. Which made me wonder as I look a Grim and saw that he was confused on what had just happened. This made me realize that Grim didn't do it on purpose and pluse he doesn't seem like the type to do something kind. Grim sat on the table and began eating his portion with tears in his eyes.

"M... M... Myaaaaaaah! My deluxe grilled cheeeeeeese! Aw, maaan... *sniff* This is *munch* the worst day *munch* of my pathetic life! I can barely *munch* choke down my lunch!" Grim cried as I was patting his back

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