The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 18

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*Ciel's POV*

We ran up the stairs to the second floor, where most of the sophomore classes where at, as Cater and Riddle pointed out the classroom 2B that Ruggie was in. I knew we had to be quick as we only had some time left before classes start. Which means that if we don't do this now, we might not get a second chance again. So we can't let him escape and if he tries to, we'll catch him and make him talk. I quickly open the door pulled open the door and Grim floated in and put his hands on his hips.

"Alright, where's Ruggie Bucchi?!" Grim demanded as the rest of us facepalms

"Grim, what have I told you about doing that..." I bonk Grim on the head as I notice Ruggie waving towards us.

"Right here. Ah... It's you guys again. I really hope this isn't about that deluxe grilled cheese. We traded fair and square." Ruggie stated with a frown while we walked towards him.

"It's not about that, if that's what you're worried about." I informed as he looked at me in confusion.

"Ruggie Bucchi, we need to ask you some questions about the spate of injuries that have befallen prospective Spelldrive tournament players." Riddle stated as for a few seconds I saw Ruggie have a look of shock.

"Oh no. This sounds like some serious business." Ruggie stated pretending nothing's wrong

"How about we move to the hall and keep this in the figurative DMs, if you catch my drift?" Cater suggested to him as he knows Ruggie would prefer that.

"I'm cooperating. Let's all try to be gentlemen, now." Ruggie got up from his seat

'He has something up his sleeves, I now it...' I thought to myself with a glare.

We make our way outside of the classroom and a bit farther away from the classroom that had students inside to avoid any eavesdroppers. After all, we don't want anymore gossips and rumors spreading around then there already were. Once we found a good spot, I began to interrogate Ruggie as I was the one with a level head and spot lies easily. Ruggie confessed that he was the one behind the accidents and how he used his signature spell on people by touching them. Though, something feels a bit off, while it's true he did it I feel that he is still hiding something from us but Riddle spoke before I could ask.

"Very well. While we do not yet know exactly what transpired, it is abundantly clear that your signature spell is a dangerous one. I will be casting 'Off With Your Head' to—" Riddle was cut off by Cater

"But Riddle, are you sure you should be casting such a powerful spell without your magical pen?" Cater questions in surprise

"Yeah... Where is you magical pen, Riddle?" I asked as I noticed it was gone.

"Huh? Wait... what?! What happened to my magical pen?!" Riddle exclaims in shock

"Hey, Cater! Your pen's gone too!" Grim stated in shock as he pointed towards were Cater's pen originally was.

"You're right, Grim! It is!" I gasped as Cater let out a frustrated shout

"You're kidding me! How?!" Cater demanded as we look at Ruggie, who had the pens in his hand.

"Shyeheehee! Children of privilege, every one of you. So unprepared. So complacent. Like stealing candy from a baby." Ruggie chuckled

"Myah?! He cast his spell to snatch your pens away without us even noticing?!" Grim questions in shock

"I knew he wouldn't go down with out a fight..." I stated in disappointment in myself, I knew something was up but failed to say it.

"Puh-lease. As if I'd need magic to do that! Anyway, having a showdown in the hallway is not on my agenda for today, so I'll be on my way. Toodles!" Ruggie runs off while laughing as we gave chase

"Hold it right there!" Riddle demanded as Ruggie continued to laugh

"Get back here Ruggie and face the consequences!" I exclaim to Ruggie with no success

"Curse you! You will halt if you value your head! 'Off With—'" Riddle was cut off by Cater once again.

"Whoa, Riddle, stop! Don't be a hero, man!"

"Stay focus, guys!" I stated as my chest began to hurt

We continued to chase after Ruggie but it was hard to stop him without magic or hurting him as Grim's fire could hurt him. Which is something we don't want as it would paint us as the bad guys and he would get away. We can't let that happen or else this would've been all for nothing in the end. Though I did wonder why he had a hint of fear in his surprised expression from earlier, did that mean someone else is helping him? and why? I decided to ask that later as we ran into Ace and Deuce as they had finished their task.

"Dude, your flamingo-feeding outfit was insane. Who knew they made leopard print in hot pink?" Ace said laughing as Deuce blushed a bit in embarrassment.

"L-look, it's not like I had a choice! It's all I had in pink!" Deuce defended himself as Ace sighs

"I can't believe we still gotta follow weird rules like that. But I guess it's better than it was."

"Oh! Ace, Deuce! You boys are a sight for sore eyes!" Cater called out to them as they saw us running

"Oh thank god you guys showed up at the right time." I cried out in joy

"Huh? What's going on? Why are you running?" Ace asked in confusion

"The culprit! He's getting away! You need to apprehend Ruggie Bucchi immediately! Housewarden's orders!" Riddle yelled angrily as his face was red.

"Whaaat?!" Deuce cried out

"What does this gotta do with us?!" Ace demanded in shock.

"This is your chance to earn a spot on the roster!" I inform them

Realizing that me, Riddle, and Cater were not gonna take no as an answer, they both accepts their fates as they pulled out their magical pens. I ordered Grim to help them, which he happily did as he wants to stop Ruggie and get a little pay back for his grilled cheese sandwich. While me, Riddle and Cater had no way to help, we decided to just follow after them. Just in case Ruggie tries to pull something on them and they needed to react. Ruggie stops for a bit as the trio catches up to him, which surprises Ruggie a bit.

"Myah! We've got you now!" Grim stated

"What, you think some freshmen and a weasel can catch ME? All of you look as slow as molasses—and I'm not talking about your runnin' speed!" Ruggie insulted them

"*hiss* I am NOT a weasel!" Grim cries out

"Save it! We got work to do!" Ace stated

The three then gave chase as Ruggie runs ahead while still holding Cater and Riddle's magical pens in his hands. Ruggie wasn't able to take Grim's collar as it around his neck and he felt Grim wasn't a threat. Deuce and Ace sent magic spells near Ruggie's feet to slow him down without actually hurting him. Ruggie did his best to dodge them but he was caught off guard with each hit sent his way. Meanwhile, I was calming Riddle down as he was gonna blow a fuse if his anger keeps up, which I was successful, I then looked to see the four had stopped for a moment.

"I thought you Heartslabyul guys were nothin' but tea-partying softies... But y'know something? Color me impressed. I take it all back!" Ruggie said in surprise

"Keep talkin'. I'm this close to wiping that smug grin off your face." Deuce said irritated

"Would you just let us nab you already? I don't wanna lose my head again, thanks!" Ace exclaims as Ruggie smirks

"If you want me so bad, then maybe you should work harder to catch me!"

Ruggie ran off once more as the trio chases after him again while using their magic to try and slow him down again. Luckily, it seems they were having better luck than earlier with their hits as Ruggie was having a hard time dodging. However, they were showing signs that they were getting tired of running. After a while of running, the four stopped once more as the trio were a bit winded while Ruggie was planning his next move. Me, Riddle and Cater caught to them as I looked at the trio with concern.

'They don't look so good...' I thought to myself as I watched them

"How do you like THIS?!"  Deuce asked as he summoned a cauldron, that almost 

"Yipe! O-okay, yeah. Maybe that one was a little fur-raisin'...but unlike you guys, I'm not on my last legs! Byeee!" Ruggie stated as he took off once more as we stare in shock as Ace asked what was on our minds.

"Hah... Hah... H-how's he not even winded after all that running?!"

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