The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 3

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*Ciel's POV*

We left the cafeteria after we finished eating and made our way to the Headmage's office to see what Crowley will tell us. Which I'm glad that I'll get some answer to my questions as they never left my mind since that day. Grim rested in my arms with a pout on his face while mumbling about his stolen sandwich. All I could do was sigh while petting his head to comfort him and get his mind off it. We finally got to the office, which made Grim perk up a bit, as Deuce walks forward and knocks on the door.

"Headmage, may we come in?"

"You all may."

We enter through the doors to see that Crowley was at his desk, looking through some papers before looking at us. I don't know what were on those papers but they might be some reports that he has to do. Me and the others stood in the center of the room as the doors closed behind us. I could tell that the others were curious about what he was gonna tell us, thou Grim was still upset by what happened earlier.

"How's it going, sir?" Ace asked Crowley, who smiles at us.

"Ah. Thank you all for coming. I'll get right to the point. Now that the Heartslabyul incident is behind us... I wanted to give you a proper debriefing on the matter. If you're to become mages, you need to fully understand the malady that befell Mr. Rosehearts." Crowley stated in a serious tone as I nod.

"I was actually wondering about the whole situation to be honest."

"You called it 'overblot,' right?" Deuce questioned

"Yes, that is correct." Crowley confirmed

"My brother told me a little about that. He said that could happen to anyone who builds up too much blot. Sounds like Cater was pretty much on the nose with 'berserker mode.'" Ace informed us

"Yeah, but what is 'blot,' anyway?" Grim asked

"I'm pretty curious too, I never heard about that before." I asked

"Ah, indeed. For your sake and Ciel's, it would behoove us to start with the basics.
I shall teach you all you need to know. Charity, thy name is Crowley! *Ahem* Now, "blot" is a form of waste that is created as a byproduct of using magic. Just as cars run on gasoline, and in the process, expel dangerous gases as exhaust... Casting spells consumes magical energy, and in the process, expels blot." Crowley explains

"Who knew magic had a carbon footprint? Plus, that doesn't sound very healthy." I said in concern

'Also... What's a car?'

"Quite. Research into the nature of blot has been conducted since time immemorial.
And yet, we still understand little about it. All we know for sure is that it is terrifically toxic, and excessive amounts can wreak havoc on a mage's mind and body." Crowley states as me and my friends were processing this information.

"I guess that's why Grandma was always naggin' me to not overdo it with the magic, huh?
Here I thought she just didn't want me to break stuff." Ace sighs as Crowley nods

"Power and peril are two sides of the same coin. Even the greatest of mages cannot cast spell after spell without consequence."

"So you're tellin' me I'm gonna get sick if I keep usin' magic whenever I want?!" Grim shouts

"I feel like there's more to it." I said as Crowley nods in agreement

"Not necessarily. Hm. Perhaps a demonstration would prove more efficient than a mere explanation. Ghosts, assemble! I have a job for you!" Crowley shouts

Next thing we knew it some of the ghost appeared in the room with smiles on their faces but were also confused. Me and the others were shocked by the ghosts' sudden appearance in the room. Which made me accidently drop Grim to the floor, but he was too surprised to notice so he didn't say anything. I never knew that Crowley was able to have the ghosts come from what they were doing. As it makes me wonder what else he can do that he isn't telling us but I pushed those thoughts out of the way.

"Huzzah! You summoned us, Headmage?"

"Not these guys again?!" Ace cried out

"Would you be so kind as to help me put these young students through their paces" Crowley asked

"T-this seems like a bad idea." Deuce shutters

"Yeah... I don't like where this is going." I said

"Yeah, okay. We'll go a round or two with 'em." The second ghost states

"Now, students, ready your magical pens. Prepare to receive a special lesson from your headmage!" Crowley announces.

 "Guys, get ready!" I stated as the boys nods

I began to give orders to the boys as the ghosts charge towards us, Ace blasted at the ghost with a wind spell to hit one of the ghosts. Grim, who dodge an attack and then turned to his side and blasted a fire spell at the second ghost, who didn't notice. The ghost was pushed back towards Crowley as Deuce slowed down the other with the ice spell. I moved back, followed by the boys, whom switch with one another. I instructed them again as the ghosts tried to come at us once more.

The three unleashed their respective spells at the ghosts after getting their orders which cause a faint memory to flash in my mind. I saw a tall man in a suit fighting against something or someone after I gave him the order to do so as I saw water around us. Then it fades away as one of the ghosts yelped as fire hit him and rushed away from the group back towards the windows, while the other ghost shivered by the ice. Ace used the opportunity to hit the ghost with a void spell. Deuce's water spell hit both ghosts and made them traversed to the right part of the room, and crashing them into the wall before vanishing without a trace.

Crowley got up from his chair and handed me a bottle or water, before going back to his desk, as my throat was pretty dry from giving the three instruction on what to do. Speaking of the three, they were panting and exhausted from the fight as Grim was laying on the floor. I chuckled a bit at the sight before going back to that memory I saw earlier. From what I can tell he seems to be a servant based on his outfit, which Riddle showed me a picture of, and knows me. Yet there's something about him that feels off, like he isn't what he seems to be, I felt my right eye hurting as I began to wonder to myself.

'Who was that man... And why was he familiar?' 

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