The Rebel of the Savanna: Finale

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*Ciel's POV*

It's been a day since the Spelldrive as me and Grim were coming back from a long day school and eating dinner at Heartslabyul. Riddle was worried about me as I was knocked out thanks to Grim, so he allowed us to come by after school again. At first I wanted to decline as to not seeming like I'm taking advantage of their kindness but he insisted so I couldn't say no. I sigh as I placed down my bag next to the bed table. I looked out the boarded windows to see the night sky.

"Well, that was quite a day." I said as I yawn before noticing how quiet it was.

"Grim, are you already asleep?" I look in my arms at Grim, only to see that he was asleep.

"*snooooore* Mnyah mnyah mnyah... *snoooore*"

"Guess I should get to bed too." I said to myself

I placed Grim at the foot of the bed carefully as to not wake him since I know how grumpy he can get when woken up. I grab my pjs and head to the bathroom so I can change and get ready before going to bed to sleep and start I new day. After a couple of minutes, I leave the bathroom with my folded uniform before placing them in a clean chair. I carefully climb into bed to not wake Grim up as I turn off the lights. I take a look at Grim, who was still snoring before laying down with a smile with blankets over me.

"Good night, Grim."

As I had close my eyes, a light began to come out of nowhere as I reopened them as I saw the mirror was glowing. I got out of bed quickly as I make my way while being quiet not to wake Grim. Once I was in front of the mirror, I took a close look at it as I saw a shadow appear briefly before vanishing.

"Is that mirror...shining?"

I decided to head back to bed since I thought that what I witness was just a dream I need to wake up from. I proceed to get back into bed and quietly as to go back to sleep so I can get some rest. Luckily no strange dreams occurs as I sleep, I embraced the quietness as I had learned to block out Grim's snore. After a while, I heard the sound of my alarm clock go off as I opened my eyes to see it was morning. I sit up with a yawn as I looked towards to Grim to see if he was already awake.

"*snooooore* Mnyah mnyah mnyah... *snoooore*" Grim was still fast asleep

"I saw some sort of strange dream...What was the deal with that black shadow...?" I said to myself as it wasn't like those past dreams I had.

I proceed to get up from the bed to get ready for the day as I grabbed my uniform and enter the bathroom. After getting freshen up and changed, I exit and place my pjs were they needed to go before looking at Grim. I sigh as I make my bed, with Grim still on it since I couldn't leave it messy. Once that was done, I grab Grim and return back to the bathroom with a grin on my face as I decided to wake Grim up the only way I know how. I tossed him into the bathtub filled with cold water, which he wakes up screaming.

'Sorry Grim, no hard feelings~'

*Meanwhile at Octavinelle Dorm: Lounge, Third POV*

As Ciel was getting both him and Grim up back in Ramshackle dorm, two individuals were already awake and ready. In the lounge of Octavinelle, Azul was sitting on one of the couches that was near the table. While Floyd is standing in front of the table as he waited for orders from the housewarden. After all, he is one of Azul's most trusted allies and subordinate that Azul uses to his advantage. Speaking of Azul, he was looking through the reports about the sales from the Spelldrive tournament.

"Sales at this year's Spelldrive tournament were up 12% compared to last year. Not a bad haul." Azul said as he looked through the reports.

"Yeah, but this year we ended up closer to the bottom of the tournament rankings than the top." Floyd states

"Just so long as we weren't at the very bottom. Let's not forget that Spelldrive is nothing more than a game in which students run around chasing a disc like dogs in a yard. Now, a school event more worthy of the full attention of Octavinelle House might be, say... Final exams." Azul states as Jade comes into the room.

"Azul! We received an urgent message from a client. They wish to speak tonight at the lounge, in person." Jade informs the housewarden as Azul smirks.

"Urgent, you say? Well, we'll have to prepare a proper welcome. I do look forward to learning more very soon. Heh heh heh."

(Book two has been completed! I hope you all enjoyed. Now I'll be taking a little break to focus on some other stories I'm working on. I'll post the first chapter of the next book in a few days. Bye my celestial! ^w^)

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