The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 16

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*Ciel's POV*

I was fast asleep after witnessing that strange dream from earlier as I felt another dream was occurring. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the African clothes from the other dream I had when I saw the lions and monkey on that cliff. Except this time, I was standing in a cave with some smoke coming from the cracks. There were also piles pf bones laying around the cave, some big and some small, plus different parts of the animal body. I also noticed a huge group of hyenas talking to one another while being in front of a cliff.

'A parade of animals...?'

I looked to see that there was a scarred lion sitting with a smug look on his face, which made me want to either shoot him or throw something, at the top of the cliff. The hyenas had stopped what they were doing as they all look at him. It seems that the scarred lion must be their leader as they did stop talking to one another. 

"The world is about to be turned upside down. A shining new era is near." The scarred lion stated

"And where do we fit in?" The female hyena questioned

"Just listen. We're going to take out Mufasa AND his son. And then I will be king!" The scarred lion explained his plan to the rest of hyenas. Then one of the hyenas spoke

"All right! Long live the king!" One of the male hyenas cheered as the others followed suit

"Long live the king!"

I watched as the hyenas cheered which made I wonder if they had something against Mufasa and his son. From what I remembered from the first dream of this sequence, the adult male lion that gave off a regal and kind feeling must be Mufasa. But why would the scarred lion not like him? Was it something he did to him? However, I have a feeling that Mufasa wasn't at fault as the scarred lion was giving off very bad feelings. Selfish, greedy, manipulative, cunning, and many more as I looked at him and his smirk.

"I've fangs and courage that none can match. So be prepared!" The scarred lion smirked while looking at me and the hyenas.

I looked in shock and horror at his expression as it felt like he was just using the hyenas for his own personal gain. This made me wonder, if he will eventually get rid of them once their usefulness is over or when they get in the way. After all, based on this guy's personality, I wouldn't put it past him. Then my vision grows dark as the dream begins to fade away as the voices grows quiet.

'Why not try to reach some kind of agreement? Why did he want to be king so badly'

I was then woken up the sound of my alarm clock as I let out a yawn and quickly turns it off as it was pretty loud. I sat up to stretch as my body still felt a little sore but it wasn't as bad as yesterday so I can manage a little pain. I look towards the window as I saw the light coming from the boarded windows. I sigh as I was rubbing my head as I thought of the dream from earlier, but I don't understand about them. First it happened back when he was dealing with Riddle and now it was dealing with the accidents.

"What a wild dream that was!" I said to myself as I look towards the foot of the bed to see that Grim was already awake.

"Oh, Ciel, you're up? Breakfast is gettin' cold! Let's go eat already!" Grim said excited

I got out a bed and grab my uniform before going to the bathroom to freshen up for another day of school. But also continuing the investigation to find the culprit before another student becomes a victim. After a few minutes, I leave the bathroom as Grim climb on my shoulder while I was grabbing my bag. I tell the ghosts to clean whatever they can before we left the dorm to head to the cafeteria for breakfast. We were walking through the main street as I felt Grim tap my shoulder, I looked at him confused."

"By the way, did you go somewhere last night? I got up to warm up some milk. Was gonna see if you wanted some but you weren't there." Grim asked me, I thought back to last night with that meeting.

"Oh, that's right. It was the weirdest thing..." I trailed off

I then began to explain to Grim what had happened last night while he was sleeping and where I was. I told him how I wasn't able to sleep so I went outside to hopefully help me become sleepy so I could sleep through his sleep talking and my soreness. I stated how I was looking at the stars when all of the sudden a boy with horns walked up to me. I told him about our conversation and the questions that were said. And how he had left in a flash of light, which left me confused before I went back inside the dorms to go to sleep.

"Huh! A weird dude with horns? Did this dude have a name?" Grim asked to which I shake my head.

"He told me to call him by a name of choosing." I stated as I was thinking of possible nicknames as Grim started jumping like a little kid.

"Ooh, ooh, let me pick it! Howsabout... 'Hornton'!" I looked at him for a few seconds before smiling at him.

"That works!" I said, which made Grim smile as he felt proud of himself

"If Hornton's a student here, who knows when we might run into him? If we do, introduce me! I ain't never seen a human with horns before."

As we were talking to each other about who Hornton could be and what dorm be belongs to, I felt someone coming towards us. I look in front of me to see that it was Cater and Riddle as they walked towards us. However, I noticed that Ace and Deuce was not with them which confused me quite a bit. I decided to ask Riddle later since I have a feeling it had something to do with a task that Heartslabyul students do. Cater spotted us as he smiles towards us and began to wave before greeting us.

"Mornin', Ciel." Cater greeted me as I smiled and waved

"Good morning, you two." Riddle came up to me, which confused me before I noticed he was staring at my bow tie.

"Hm. Your tie is crooked, you know. A disorderly uniform suggests a disorderly dorm. As prefect, you should set a better example for your dorm members. Even if you only have the one." Riddle informs me as he began to fix it.

"Sorry... I guess I was a bit in a rush that I didn't seem to noticed it was like that... But thanks for informing me." I inform him as he nods at my response.

"... There. All better." Riddle smiled as I smiled back

"Thanks, Riddle!" I stated as he backs up from me and says 'You're welcome, Ciel'.

"So, where's Ace and Deuce?" Grim asked

"Yeah, I haven't seen them yet and they aren't with you two either." I was wondering where they were at the moment.

"In accordance with rule 249, it's their turn to wear pink clothes and feed the flamingos." Riddle informs us

"I can't imagine them wearing pink, they just don't seem like those type of people." I stated with Grim nodding in agreement as the thought of them wearing pink flashes through my mind. However it also reminded me of a blonde haired girl who loves wearing pink and cute things.

"By the way, it seems there was another incident last night." Riddle stated with seriousness in his voice.

This caused me to suddenly be cut off from my thoughts and the sudden memory as I looked at Ridde in shock. I wasn't the only one who was shocked, Grim was also surprised by the sudden turn of events.

"Myah?! Really?!"

"Who was it this time?!" I asked in an panic as Riddle placed his hand on my shoulder to help calm me down.

"According to a portrait who witnessed it, the victim was a sophomore from Scarabia House. His name is Jamil Viper. It appears the accident happened in the kitchen." Cater explains as I finally calmed down.

"That's the dorm with red-and-gold armbands, right?" I questioned as Cater nods in confirmation while I thought to myself.

'With a portrait serving as our security camera...'

"It's breakfast time, so he may be in the cafeteria. Let's go see." Riddle suggested as we nod

We all began to make our way to the cafeteria with determined looks to see if we can find Jamil in hopes of getting more information about what happened. But to also be one step closer on finding out who the perpetrator was and put a stop to them. I won't let them hurt anyone else if it's the last thing I do, I swear it.

'I won't you get away!'

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