The Rebel of the Savanna: Part 20

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*Ciel's POV*

They were still fighting as I began to watch due to the trio not being able to hear over their own shouts that grew over the minutes. A couple of minutes into the fight, Ace and Grim were panting as they had a few injuries on them. The only one still standing was Deuce as he continued his fist fight with Jack. Just like with Ace and Grim, they both had a couple of injuries on their bodies. The injuries were mostly bruises with a few burns and scratches from occasional crossfires.

"Hyeeeaaarrrgh!" Jack yells

"Grrraaaaah!" Deuce yells back

Their fists hit each other in the face at high speed as they both back up due to the pain of their punches and recoil. I wince as I watch the two panting from the fight as they took a little break to recover from the pain. While Ace and Grim were recovering and no longer participating in the fight like Deuce was.

'They're really going all out...' I thought with a sweatdrop as I watch the four recovering from the fight.

"*pant* *pant* ... Man, you just... You just don't give an inch..." Jack compliments Deuce

"Phew... You neither. You sure can fight." Deuce compliments back

"It's like every one of your punches rattled me to the core..." Grim groans

"Yeeesh... Maybe we got a little carried away. Uuuugh. At this point, I don't even care about makin' the stupid team." Ace groans as he was catching his breath.

"Wow, everyone sure took a beating." I say as I looked the four over as I saw just how bad the bruises and a few burns were.

"All right. The path ahead is clear. I'll tell you what I know." Jack said, which confused us

"'The path'? The path to what?" Ace asked

"The path my heart's telling me to walk. Remember, I'm betraying my own dorm here. But I can't be quiet any longer! I don't care how strong the foe—I wanna face them with my own two fists! I've been training hard for this tournament. I was excited to see how far I could go. But these cowardly schemes are making me sick! A triumph won through treachery means nothing! I wanted to claim victory on the back of my own strength and skill, and fight to defend it!" Jack answers as Ace sighs

"I think I preferred talking to his fists."

"So...this is all about you, then? What about the innocent people being hurt?" I questioned as Jack looks away from me.

"I get it! I know exactly what he means!" Deuce stated with a smile

"You do?" I asked as Deuce nods at me

"That's not a good sign." Grim said

"Ruggie's signature spell— It makes its target copy Ruggie's movements. Since he's making the same movements as the person he's controlling, he's able to make it look like an accident on their part." Jack explains while motioning for us to listen.

"Huh. So that's how he was able to get Grim to trade without getting caught. He just put out his hand, and Grim put out his." Ace said as Grim had an angry look.

"That lousy, rotten...! Aaargh! Now I'm angry again! Food grudges never die!" Grim growls

"Focus Grim, we have more pressing matters at hand." I said to him, which calmed him down a bit.

"Wait, hold on a minute. If he was mirroring the movements of someone about to fall down the stairs, surely someone would have noticed that?" Deuce asked

'That's true... Someone would've noticed his strange behavior...' I thought

"Ruggie didn't cause these accidents by himself. Most of Savanaclaw was probably in on it too." Jack deduced

"Myah?!" Grim cried out in shock

"I knew it... That explains why no one reported anything strange, because Ruggie got help from the others in his dorm." I deduced as Jack nods 

"Like you said, someone would have noticed if he was near the targets and also mimicking their actions. I believe he escaped notice by surrounding himself with a wall of his dormmates."

"The whole dorm was in on it? But why?" Deuce asked as Ace answered him

"Well, duh. How well they do at the Spelldrive tournament could make or break their careers. If that's their motive, well, it isn't hard to understand where they're coming from."

"Grrrrr..." Jack begins to growl in anger, which surprised us.

"Dude! Don't bare you fangs at me! I'm just connectin' the dots!" Ace defended himself as I shake my head.

"I think that Jack is growling because he's mad at his dorm for their motives, not at you, Ace."

"Hmph. If they're not willing to show what they're capable of now, what does the future even matter? I'm most disappointed with our housewarden, Leona Kingscholar. He has incredible talent, but refuses to even use it!" Jack states angrily

"Yeah, for as lazy as that guy is... He seemed insanely strong." Grim stated in agreement

"Except he doesn't use it, he's using a dirty tactic to get his way to the top." I stated while thinking back to yesterday.

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